Amount of fluid for the EXOS


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2008
Aug 9, 2001
I'm just getting my EXOS up and running and I'm wondering how much water it should hold when first filling it up.

In the manual, it says you may need to add some distilled water because what they provide may not be enough. For reference, I'm only cooling the CPU right now so you get an idea of the amount of hose I'm using. I doubt I have used much over half of the contents of the fluid pack that came with the EXOS. I thought I saw someone mention one time that they had the same thing happen. For now the system is just leak testing and getting the air bubbles out. I filled the res and then turned the EXOS on as mentioned in the directions and refilled the res as the water level dropped. Right now the res seems to be full and I can't add anymore water. Just curious to know if this thing is actually full or not at the moment.
you need to run the pump so that it'll push some water into the tubes, and block, and that'll take some water out of the res and you can add more in
I already did that and that is when I posted originally.

I'm not really worried about it anymore. I've had the system up and running for a couple of days now with no problems and good temps.

Under load I'm only running around 37C which is a nice drop from the around 57C I was previously running with my air setup that's still in my sig.

I still seem to have some air bubbles to take care of though although I'm sure I'll get that worked out eventually.

Thanks for the reply.