AMD Ships Out Ryzen 5 3600 CPUs in Ryzen 3 3200G Packaging


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
Concerted and honest effort to consolidate resources and save money

"In a Facebook post yesterday, Chinese hardware site HKEPC posted photos of a Ryzen 5 3600 they recently ordered that came in a Ryzen 3 3200G box. AMD had placed a sticker seal on the box indicating that the product inside was indeed the Ryzen 5 3600, but everything else on the packaging pointed to the weaker Ryzen 3 3200G.

A Hardware Times story from earlier today elaborates that this has affected a whole batch of Ryzen 5 3600 CPUs bound for customers in China. The story attributes the incorrect packaging to Ryzen 5 3600 sales figures breaking expectations during the recent Chinese mid-year sale in June, leading AMD’s Chinese team to use old packaging instead of waiting for additional, more accurate boxes to come in. Of course, it's also entirely possible that the situation is the result of a simple mistake during packaging."
what differences do the boxes normally have, other than a sticker saying what model it is?
Well, the biggest issue is future used hardware sales. Being able to ship something in its original box can often boost the price by $5 or $10.
Just enough to eliminate some ebay fees.

It seems like the sort of thing they shouldn't spring on a customer unless the customer indicates that they're ok with it.
what differences do the boxes normally have, other than a sticker saying what model it is?

You could click the link an see the incorrect box. It says "Ryzen 3 with integrated graphics", but it's a Ryzen 5 without them. The top 1/4 of the box is a different color.
Well, the biggest issue is future used hardware sales. Being able to ship something in its original box can often boost the price by $5 or $10.
Just enough to eliminate some ebay fees.

It seems like the sort of thing they shouldn't spring on a customer unless the customer indicates that they're ok with it.

but.... this is in china... lol

it's not an important issue over there and is actually more common then you think. generally you see more generic type boxes with stickers slapped on them saying whats in it. this is tomshardware writers being bored trying to drum up some adsense views because they can put AMD in the title..
Does this matter to anyone but box collectors. No one in China cares...
Perhaps in the privileged west if this was happening with 3900 class chips people would be upset about not having the right box to place on their shelf that sits in camera on their twitch/boycam stream. /s

Wouldn't be shocked if this happens to a few product lines for a few different tech component manufactures at some point... covid has hurt a lot of packaging manufacturers. In north america there are shortages of canned versions of less popular soda brands as Pepsi and Coke can't source enough aluminium cans to meet demand on their main sellers.

I know the metal packaging company not far from where I am is closed right now... as is a couple box manufacturers. Where all going to start getting things in Ziplock baggies soon... until those guys also run out of stock. lol
I normally throw away the box, could care less if it was just a plain white box, plastic bag, paper bag or whatever as long as the CPU was protected and not damaged. I usually get more irritated with very fancy boxes and elaborate marketing BS thinking how much I paid for that crap. Besides, who in the hell even reads what is on the box other than what the product is? I don't recall the last time I read a significant part of any packing box on any CPU or GPU. Now I do keep GPU boxes for possible resale or storage later. Anyways a nothing burger, would those folks rather wait a week, 2 weeks longer before they got their CPU in a more fashionable box?
This would be news if people who had ordered 3200G's were being sent 3600's by mistake because of mislabeled boxes but this is China a country notorious for reusing/mislabeling packaging, outside of the "huh?" factor of this story it is a pretty common event there.
Even if this batch of labels was truthful, doesn't mean the next will be.
This precedent creates an environment for garaunteed future abuse.
Even if this batch of labels was truthful, doesn't mean the next will be.
This precedent creates an environment for garaunteed future abuse.
No. It doesn't.

And yes, I've thought of the children.
Even if this batch of labels was truthful, doesn't mean the next will be.
This precedent creates an environment for garaunteed future abuse.
The warehouse ran out of 3600 boxes and had an abundance of 3200G boxes, but unlike the 3200G's they had orders in place and deadlines to make, better to take the wrong box slap the correct bar-code labels on it and meet deadlines than to miss shipping out orders because you were waiting on boxes. Is it slightly confusing sure, but as long as the contents are correct outside of a funny story it really isn't a thing. This happens in China all the time for a lot of items, its in the news because its AMD, not for much else.