AMD EPYC Server Sales Show Great Promise According to Analysts


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
AMD EPYC server sales are eroding Intel's positioning in the server market. Intel has fallen from a 99.5% share of the server CPU market to 98.7% in a year. This roughly translates to $57.66 million in revenue for AMD in the second quarter 2018 alone. Aaron Rakers from Wells Fargo expects AMD EPYC market share to grow to 5% by the end of 2018.

Figures from Mercury -- which tracks the market for microprocessor and graphics PC components -- show that AMD's total server units were up 181 per cent year-over-year and 40.5 per cent sequentially. Mercury estimates Epyc revenue was $57.66m in the second 2018 quarter vs $36m in the prior quarter. Rakers said AMD believes it can grow its current server market share position to mid-single digits by the end of calendar 2018.
it's almost a gold fish graph ;)
OMG. So, AMD is rising (Ryzing?) and Intel is falling? Got it. Checking the numbers...AMD is at 1% of the market and Intel is at 99%??? Um, I think the jaws on that goldfish need to grow some muscles before they're gonna be able to snap shut on anything other than fish poop.
That is the long battle for AMD and the one Intel will try to hold on at any cost. But Intel is having a ton of issues at the moment so when a giant trips someone has to be able to rob them while they are down :) Wont be easy tho to convince many to switch until it become obvious that Intel is behind and Intel will try hard to prove otherwise.
That is the long battle for AMD and the one Intel will try to hold on at any cost. But Intel is having a ton of issues at the moment so when a giant trips someone has to be able to rob them while they are down :) Wont be easy tho to convince many to switch until it become obvious that Intel is behind and Intel will try hard to prove otherwise.
It’ll be Athlon 64 days all over again. Underhanded shit to keep Intel processors in systems until they get their shit sorted and years after the fact they’ll pay a small fine.
OMG. So, AMD is rising (Ryzing?) and Intel is falling? Got it. Checking the numbers...AMD is at 1% of the market and Intel is at 99%??? Um, I think the jaws on that goldfish need to grow some muscles before they're gonna be able to snap shut on anything other than fish poop.

You're one of those glass half empty folks aren't ya.
OMG. So, AMD is rising (Ryzing?) and Intel is falling? Got it. Checking the numbers...AMD is at 1% of the market and Intel is at 99%??? Um, I think the jaws on that goldfish need to grow some muscles before they're gonna be able to snap shut on anything other than fish poop.
Given that prior to the Zen architecture AMD hadn't been competitive in the server market for many years it takes quite a swing of circumstances to get the higher-ups to sign off on these purchases.
I'm all for AMDs resurgence in the server market, but this is one seriously BS graph... Maybe they took a page from Randall
It's a bit misleading if you don't know how to read a graph or don't look too hard at it, but all the numbers and labels are there.

AMD went from ~2.5% to essentially zero, and now they're approaching 2% again. Intel went from ~97%, to about 99.9%, and now they're at about 98.8%.
Yes and predicted to be 5% by year end, and 15% the following year. Many believe profit will be 1.2-1.4 bil

It's about time they have a consistent product over intel, they used to have 20-30% server market share

Think intel has more to worry about their fab and 7nm production than a 15% market share loss over two years

Whatever the case hooray for slightly less of a monopoly, better products and prices for everyone
That graph reminds me of this quote: "Lies, damned lies, and statistics"

I work for one of DK's largest IT-sourcing companies...AMD is not on our roadmaps (the scars of the last time people stuffed AMD in DC's are not forgotten)...and they will have to do better than fishy graphs to convince to alter that fact.

And I bet most people seeing this as "good news" both don't understand the graph...or work in Enterprise.

(That graph both made me chuckle and shake my head at the same time)
That graph reminds me of this quote: "Lies, damned lies, and statistics"

I work for one of DK's largest IT-sourcing companies...AMD is not on our roadmaps (the scars of the last time people stuffed AMD in DC's are not forgotten)...and they will have to do better than fishy graphs to convince to alter that fact.

And I bet most people seeing this as "good news" both don't understand the graph...or work in Enterprise.

(That graph both made me chuckle and shake my head at the same time)

So Atea? :p who can never deliver anything when you need it and don't answer the phone when you call? :D

Seems silly to not even consider things or do a trialrun or look in to what other companies are doing with it so you have an idea how to best serve your customers.

As an AMD shareholder I certainly am seeing this as good news. I'm at close to 100% profit on those shares now... so great stuff :) even if the graph is prepostrous in its scale.
OMG. So, AMD is rising (Ryzing?) and Intel is falling? Got it. Checking the numbers...AMD is at 1% of the market and Intel is at 99%??? Um, I think the jaws on that goldfish need to grow some muscles before they're gonna be able to snap shut on anything other than fish poop.

Large scale industrial servers have to go through qualification testing.

What this graph likelyeans are businesses are nibbling small batches for qualification. Once they pass a year then sales will really take off. Epyc 2 with Spectre and meltdown fixes will likely sell like hotcakes due to qualification testing done now.
Large scale industrial servers have to go through qualification testing.

What this graph likelyeans are businesses are nibbling small batches for qualification. Once they pass a year then sales will really take off. Epyc 2 with Spectre and meltdown fixes will likely sell like hotcakes due to qualification testing done now.

As a fan of AMD, I hope you're right. (That this is a clear precursor of pent up demand for the Epyc server.)
Yes and predicted to be 5% by year end, and 15% the following year. Many believe profit will be 1.2-1.4 bil

It's about time they have a consistent product over intel, they used to have 20-30% server market share

Think intel has more to worry about their fab and 7nm production than a 15% market share loss over two years

Whatever the case hooray for slightly less of a monopoly, better products and prices for everyone

When they used to have 20-30%, was that during the 4 year 2 buck hell for the stock price?
So Atea? :p who can never deliver anything when you need it and don't answer the phone when you call? :D

Seems silly to not even consider things or do a trialrun or look in to what other companies are doing with it so you have an idea how to best serve your customers.

As an AMD shareholder I certainly am seeing this as good news. I'm at close to 100% profit on those shares now... so great stuff :) even if the graph is prepostrous in its scale.

Nope, not Atea.
Large scale industrial servers have to go through qualification testing.

What this graph likelyeans are businesses are nibbling small batches for qualification. Once they pass a year then sales will really take off. Epyc 2 with Spectre and meltdown fixes will likely sell like hotcakes due to qualification testing done now.

It's even more complicated than that...we added two more vendors bedes our primary vendor for x86(Intel CPU's)...lets just say in has been no dance on roses...adding x86(AMD) would be an ever bigger headache...and not needed, so no push for that.

This is not a few servers in a basement somewhere...this is thousands of servers in Tier 3 certified data centers...I guess my angle is different than most people posting here.
It's even more complicated than that...we added two more vendors bedes our primary vendor for x86(Intel CPU's)...lets just say in has been no dance on roses...adding x86(AMD) would be an ever bigger headache...and not needed, so no push for that.

This is not a few servers in a basement somewhere...this is thousands of servers in Tier 3 certified data centers...I guess my angle is different than most people posting here.

The municipality I work for has decided to switch from Intel based servers to AMD ones which surprised me. Most of those guys are older and used to Intel equipment however they mentioned the exploits of Spectre and Meltdown and they were impressed with how the Epyc servers performed was the major reason to switch to AMD. It's a multi year project so they will buy them in chunks and switch things over the next 2 years. So they are getting wins but takes time for evaluations but it looks good for them to return to a much larger share of the server market.
Few large corporations are going to jump on a new processor from an underdog. They will sample, test and go through accreditation. If AMD continues to offer better performance to $$ then as new servers are built you should see more EPYC chips being used.
Are the older epycs hitting the resale refurb market yet?

I'm also not sure if serious, but typically you are looking at ~3 years before off lease equipment becomes readily available.

With how small their market share is I wouldn't expect them to flood ebay like the Intel stuff does.