AMD CPU Driver


Fully [H]
Feb 1, 2005
I have an X2 and someone suggested using the CPU driver. AFAIK, the driver was only "useful" for CnQ type applications. I don't use CnQ, so do I need the driver?,,30_182_871_13118,00.html

"Allows the system to automatically adjust the CPU speed, voltage and power combination that match the instantaneous user performance need.".

I have the updated AMD driver for my AMD64 (32-bit XP version of the driver, I dont have 64bit Windows yet) and it seems to make the system smoother compared to when I don't have it installed.

Major_A said:
If you are overclocking do not install this driver.
I have it installed and I am overclocking my Venice 3000+ to 2.4GHz with no problems. The only thing I had to do was set the multiplier to 9x from Auto and the vcore to 1.4V from Default/Auto in BIOS. Works like a charm. I don't use CnQ, btw.
I OC my X2 to 2.62GHz and it just fine. I disabled CnQ in the Bios, so it wont throttle anyway.

I Got the driver just to get it. I dont know if it really did anything for me, because I installed it almost right away, after all the Windows updates and what not. I am pick on how and when things get intalled. Windows -> Chipset Drivers--> Windows Updates - > Graphics Drivers -> Programs.... So who knows. But like i said, I would rather have the driver, than not. Just for Shits and giggles.
Like I previously stated, all this driver does is allows for Cool n' Quiet to work in Windows. It doesn't add anything else.