Amazon Could Be Reconsidering Its NYC Headquarters Site Due to Local Opposition


Aug 20, 2006
Amazon’s new headquarters in New York seemed like a done deal, but local protests have reportedly convinced executives to look elsewhere. The company announced it would be building in the Long Island City neighborhood of NYC in November, and ever since then, residents have complained Amazon would “take over the Queens neighborhood, drive up prices, and push out existing residents.” More recent reports suggest executives have “no intention to back out of the plans” but remain “frustrated" with the opposition.

The state's agreement with Amazon guaranteed $27 billion in revenue for New York with $3 billion returned to Amazon in tax credits, [New York Gov. Andrew] Cuomo said. He called the deal the largest economic development project signed in the state's history. "There is no business that brings 25,000 jobs anymore. They don't exist. I spend days trying to bring a business that has 100 jobs or 200 jobs," he said. "Every project has local opposition. ... People just oppose change."
They just killed many potential job hiring the unemployed really needs to fill up the table, stay under the roof and so on....

Way to go, liberal NYC!
Companies like Amazon and Walmart have eroded our economy to an irreparable degree. Small business never gets a break, but these mega-corporations always get tax breaks and incentives. I honestly couldn't care less. How about wherever they go they have to pay their fair share. The reality is that wherever they go they make the local government depend on them for revenue and then they hold them by the balls.
I am going to go ahead and nip this in the bud.......I am aware that the OP posted a news article that is basically politics, but the rules about politics outside soapbox still stand. If you can not discuss the subject without discussing politics do not post in this thread.
Well, I had a GREAT post. But, it touched on politics.

I'll summarize: they're using any excuse they can not to be located where they may get heavily taxed.
But... didnt amazon announce they will be paying EVERY employee a 15$/hr minimum wage? you know, that wage they claim is a "living wage" sooo... whats the problem?

15/hr nothing close to the living wage. Maybe if two people are earning so yea that could do.
They just killed many potential job hiring the unemployed really needs to fill up the table, stay under the roof and so on....

Way to go, liberal NYC!

other states and cities need this jobs FAR more than NYC.

it is all about the subsidies , tax cuts , benefits or whatever they want to call it, that is offered to them.

AS WELL as the ability of Amazon to make use of existing infrastructure, utilities and support businesses for their staff and administration, WHILE not having to actually pay back into it or pay to build it in the first place (god forbid, the hit to our profits !!!!)

But... didnt amazon announce they will be paying EVERY employee a 15$/hr minimum wage? you know, that wage they claim is a "living wage" sooo... whats the problem?

location, location, location
They just killed many potential job hiring the unemployed really needs to fill up the table, stay under the roof and so on....

Way to go, liberal NYC!

There aren’t that many out of work engineers in the area. I get between 1 and 5 calls/emails per day with openings looking for an interview. If you’re in the NYC metro and unemployed as a professional that Amazon wants, you probably suck.

Amazon isn’t employing many low-skilled workers.

I’d be happy if they came because it will likely drive salaries up, however, they do not need or deserve any handouts. They can pay taxes just like Apple in Chelsea.

The tax breaks might be justified if this was Detroit and you couldn’t get anyone to come. NYC doesn’t need Amazon to raise its profile.
Companies like Amazon and Walmart have eroded our economy to an irreparable degree. Small business never gets a break, but these mega-corporations always get tax breaks and incentives. I honestly couldn't care less. How about wherever they go they have to pay their fair share. The reality is that wherever they go they make the local government depend on them for revenue and then they hold them by the balls.

I see lots of small businesses. Not sure where you are looking but maybe try offline?
Companies like Amazon and Walmart have eroded our economy to an irreparable degree. Small business never gets a break, but these mega-corporations always get tax breaks and incentives. I honestly couldn't care less. How about wherever they go they have to pay their fair share. The reality is that wherever they go they make the local government depend on them for revenue and then they hold them by the balls.
You mean walmart, the company that when they got a tax break, raised everyone's wages? Also employing people with no education in poverty stricken areas, that horrible company?
Hey, maybe RTP in NC has a shot again.
I sure hope not, the housing market is already a pain in the ass around here.
Careful what you wish for. RTP is a nice little area. Amazon landing there will drive up housing costs. I guess not bad if you own a house there already.
Yes, exactly this. Luckily I'm purchasing a home in the next few months but even compared to this time last year house prices have shot up.
Companies like Amazon and Walmart have eroded our economy to an irreparable degree. Small business never gets a break, but these mega-corporations always get tax breaks and incentives. I honestly couldn't care less. How about wherever they go they have to pay their fair share. The reality is that wherever they go they make the local government depend on them for revenue and then they hold them by the balls.

And yet many of those companies provide more jobs that pay more and have far more benefits than the small companies they compete with, all the while selling more items at lower cost. So I am not sure how they are eroding our economy, if anything they are helping it. That is just the reality. Personally I prefer mom and pop stores and frequent them when I can, but I am under no illusion that somehow they are better for our economy than large stores. I just believe they are better for our sanity.

Now, if you want to criticize the tax breaks or money the state is paying them, I can understand that. But I don't see how that is affecting the economy as much as the actual product costs, jobs, benefits, etc. If you pay some money to a company to provide better jobs for your residents, how is that bad? Short term it is a lot of money, long term you have more jobs and more opportunities. Those jobs tend to prop up the neighborhood, which creates growth. The reason housing values go up, is because the economy in the area has gone up and people can afford more...
They just killed many potential job hiring the unemployed really needs to fill up the table, stay under the roof and so on....

Way to go, liberal NYC!
When you claim to champion the poor, you want as many poor as possible.
And yet many of those companies [...]
I only named two, Amazon and Walmart.

[...] provide more jobs that pay more and have far more benefits than the small companies they compete with [...]
  • Please give us some examples of these amazing jobs that they provide.
  • How much does Amazon pay per hour? What about Walmart? Do you know what small businesses pay in your area and across the US? Please provide concrete examples.
  • Who is Amazon exactly competing with? What about Walmart? Me and others here would love to learn this particular piece of information, especially when it comes to Amazon.
So I am not sure how they are eroding our economy, if anything they are helping it.
How exactly is Walmart helping our economy when they drive domestic manufacturers into the ground by not paying them and then forcing them to move production to China. Do you know what happens to an area that Walmart destroys and there is no more purchasing power left? They leave and then those folks that depend on them like crack addicts are really fucked. Do you know how Amazon handles vendors, or that they made a fortune by selling garbage and counterfeit goods? Please enlighten us how these two companies exactly help the US economy, I'm dying to learn something new today.

Personally I prefer mom and pop stores and frequent them when I can, but I am under no illusion that somehow they are better for our economy than large stores.
If we want to have a snowball's chance in hell to make it, we need domestic manufacturing. When I talk about the US economy I'm not thinking about the struggling mom and pop shop that tries to survive and pay rent in a strip mall every month. I'm talking about the manufacturing of goods here in the US. It is these two giants that have contributed tremendously to the erosion of stuff that's "Made in USA". Because we are a service based economy that no longer creates value, we are piling up debt. Good luck going forward like this.

Now, if you want to criticize the tax breaks or money the state is paying them, I can understand that. But I don't see how that is affecting the economy as much as the actual product costs, jobs, benefits, etc. If you pay some money to a company to provide better jobs for your residents, how is that bad?
But ... but ... but ... they are not providing better jobs at all. They are bringing the horror. Have you ever worked for either of them? Seattle for example is filled with homeless people, so is San Francisco. Both major cities that many large companies call home. Where is the value they created? Those awesome jobs? Where is the trickle down economy?

The reason housing values go up, is because the economy in the area has gone up and people can afford more
The reason why housing cost goes up is because builders, flippers, sellers, essentially everyone involved is asking for more. Just like NVIDIA has essentially doubled the price of a Ti card, so has housing cost increased everywhere. In my neighborhood housing prices have doubled in the past 10 years, for no good reason. Every time a house sold, the owners asked for more money. And because it's a nice neighborhood and a home is sold so rarely here, values go up. But then, about 5 miles from here two new homes went up on a large plot in another neighborhood. Middle class, nothing fancy. Each home's asking price is over $240K. And they are absolute crap. They are new, but I wouldn't trade my 30 year old house for either. I saw them when they were built and so many corners were cut, such a cheap construction.

Anyway, it's better to wake up to reality because ignorance has cost all of us. We now have monopolies, oligopolies and mega-corporations that will let nothing stand in the way of their profit. You're entitled to your opinion, and I to mine, however, I hate to live in a world where one day my only choices are 2 or 3 companies to do business with (err... I meant buy from and work for). And we are headed in that direction. Some areas in the US already went trough this, some more will, and this lesson will be very hard to learn.

You mean walmart, the company that when they got a tax break, raised everyone's wages? Also employing people with no education in poverty stricken areas, that horrible company?
Don't forget AT&T, another awesome company. They did the same. Or did they?
...Anyway, it's better to wake up to reality because ignorance has cost all of us. We now have monopolies, oligopolies and mega-corporations that will let nothing stand in the way of their profit. You're entitled to your opinion, and I to mine, however, I hate to live in a world where one day my only choices are 2 or 3 companies to do business with (err... I meant buy from and work for). And we are headed in that direction. Some areas in the US already went trough this, some more will, and this lesson will be very hard to learn...

No worries. The auto manufacturing business consolidated from 1800 makes in early 20th century to the Big Three. Detroit did just fine. Oh...wait...
I only named two, Amazon and Walmart.

  • Please give us some examples of these amazing jobs that they provide.
  • How much does Amazon pay per hour? What about Walmart? Do you know what small businesses pay in your area and across the US? Please provide concrete examples.
  • Who is Amazon exactly competing with? What about Walmart? Me and others here would love to learn this particular piece of information, especially when it comes to Amazon.

Sorry bud, doesn't work that way. YOU made the claim that they are ruining the economy, YOU need to provide the facts. But just for giggles, Walmart offers great pay and great benefits for the jobs they provide, what mom and pop stores would be offering more? Amazon also has been listed the best company to work for this past year by linkedin.

How exactly is Walmart helping our economy when they drive domestic manufacturers into the ground by not paying them and then forcing them to move production to China. Do you know what happens to an area that Walmart destroys and there is no more purchasing power left? They leave and then those folks that depend on them like crack addicts are really fucked. Do you know how Amazon handles vendors, or that they made a fortune by selling garbage and counterfeit goods? Please enlighten us how these two companies exactly help the US economy, I'm dying to learn something new today.

So by offering better deals to customers who are buying products that is driving our economy into the ground? Also here is a claim you have provided zero proof for.

If we want to have a snowball's chance in hell to make it, we need domestic manufacturing. When I talk about the US economy I'm not thinking about the struggling mom and pop shop that tries to survive and pay rent in a strip mall every month. I'm talking about the manufacturing of goods here in the US. It is these two giants that have contributed tremendously to the erosion of stuff that's "Made in USA". Because we are a service based economy that no longer creates value, we are piling up debt. Good luck going forward like this.

Okay, now where are all the mom and pop stores that are somehow supporting domestic manufacturing instead of the giants? Where is your proof since you are so big on asking for that...

But ... but ... but ... they are not providing better jobs at all. They are bringing the horror. Have you ever worked for either of them? Seattle for example is filled with homeless people, so is San Francisco. Both major cities that many large companies call home. Where is the value they created? Those awesome jobs? Where is the trickle down economy?

How is homeless people a measure of what a company provides? Come on man. Also Walmart has consistently been in the top 100 best companies to work for, for awhile now. Both Amazon and Walmart offer better pay and far better benefits than the mom and pop stores offer their employees. If you are going to say they are worse, than provide your PROOF, like you ask other people...

The reason why housing cost goes up is because builders, flippers, sellers, essentially everyone involved is asking for more. Just like NVIDIA has essentially doubled the price of a Ti card, so has housing cost increased everywhere. In my neighborhood housing prices have doubled in the past 10 years, for no good reason. Every time a house sold, the owners asked for more money. And because it's a nice neighborhood and a home is sold so rarely here, values go up. But then, about 5 miles from here two new homes went up on a large plot in another neighborhood. Middle class, nothing fancy. Each home's asking price is over $240K. And they are absolute crap. They are new, but I wouldn't trade my 30 year old house for either. I saw them when they were built and so many corners were cut, such a cheap construction.

That is nonsense. Do you know how many "flippers" flop because of that myth? Housing values go up because of the economy in the area. When the economy goes up and betters jobs are provided more people move in. The demand causes the housing prices to go up with it. Also the reason people stay in neighborhoods is because of the good economy and jobs. There are many "nice" neighborhoods that sellers can't even give away because the economy and jobs in the area are terrible. Meanwhile there are completely crappy houses going for astronomical prices in areas because the job market and economy in that area is so strong.

For instance, the DMV area (DC, Maryland, Virginia) has a a strong housing market that is higher than average. We don't have the nicest neighborhoods or often the nicest amenities, but what the DMV area does have is jobs and economy. Crappy houses in good locations still sell like hotcakes here because of that.

Anyway, it's better to wake up to reality because ignorance has cost all of us. We now have monopolies, oligopolies and mega-corporations that will let nothing stand in the way of their profit. You're entitled to your opinion, and I to mine, however, I hate to live in a world where one day my only choices are 2 or 3 companies to do business with (err... I meant buy from and work for). And we are headed in that direction. Some areas in the US already went trough this, some more will, and this lesson will be very hard to learn.

Don't forget AT&T, another awesome company. They did the same. Or did they?

Okay, so how have things gotten worse with all of these companies? Do these companies offer better wages and benefits than mom and pops? Yes. Do they offer more variety and cheaper products? Yes. Do they offer more convenience? Yes.

So how are they actually hurting our economy. Your PROOF please.
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Any local economy would benefit from 25000 good paying jobs in their area. Regardless what the business itself is taxed the broader benefit to the region is the real boon.
I'd announce a relocation to somewhere else immediately, and take my business, jobs, taxes, and mass economical benefit elsewhere. Let the hateful rot in their own squalor.
I'm going to have to argue with Phoenix a bit. With my own experiences.

Assuming we're not talking about gun parts or cars... You know where I consistently find US made options for products? Walmart.

When I go into Walmart, unless we're talking about toys or clothes I often find US made alternatives. My last experience was a few months ago. I needed jumper cables, went into my local Walmart and sure enough, right next to the jumper cables made of pure Chinesium, was an American made alternative. I paid 10 or 11 bucks more for the American made ones, but I bought those. I too believe we need to support American manufacturing. But I think you're view of Walmart is a bit flawed.

MANY other items are this way. Many polymer based products, like hangers, hampers, laundry baskets often have American made alternatives I will always buy first.
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But... didnt amazon announce they will be paying EVERY employee a 15$/hr minimum wage? you know, that wage they claim is a "living wage" sooo... whats the problem?
when rent starts at 3,000$ a month?

What's that 15$/hr make a month? 2800$ish before tax? How's that gonna work out for your monthly budget?

Split it 4 ways you say? Okay, you're probably looking at 4500$ or more a month for a place, so still well over 1K/month. That's still nearly half of your income, BEFORE taxes are removed.

Not to mention, Amazon would result in prices for rent and shit going UP again.

So, those numbers would actually get /worse/
when rent starts at 3,000$ a month?

What's that 15$/hr make a month? 2800$ish before tax? How's that gonna work out for your monthly budget?

Split it 4 ways you say? Okay, you're probably looking at 4500$ or more a month for a place, so still well over 1K/month. That's still nearly half of your income, BEFORE taxes are removed.

Not to mention, Amazon would result in prices for rent and shit going UP again.

So, those numbers would actually get /worse/

Clearly, Amazon wants to bring that Hong Kong lifestyle to New York City. Wowzers...

Still, some folks were cheering Amazon on. Creating wealth and some such nonsense. Yeah, right... Try living in a cardboard cube for a while, and then we'll talk.