Aliens: Colonial Marines $1.99 @ Amazon


Aug 25, 2010
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For a 1.99 it is probably worth it to fans of the franchise so not a bad deal at all. It sure as hell isn't worth it at full price.
Some of the Amazon reviews indicate that post-release patching has polished the game off.
I could also defecate on your front porch for $1.99. Any takers?
Some of the Amazon reviews indicate that post-release patching has polished the game off.

I only had one technical glitch and I had to go back to a previous checkpoint. the game is almost a joke though and I would give it a 4/10 for a regular game but its really a 2/10 for an Aliens game.
I bought it, it looks like something I played in 1998, but at least it runs well. The very first Aliens vs Predator was a shitload more scary with better atmosphere.
You can tweak the .ini to remove the 62fps cap

f you haven't already done this do this. Go to C:\Users\Geoffro\Documents\My Games\Aliens Colonial Marines\PecanGame\Config n then look for PecanEngine.ini. In the second section [Engine.Engine] look for -


Change this to -

It really isn't "too much" at 2 dollars, but whatever.

If you're a fan of the franchise at all it's worth it for 2 bucks.
It really isn't "too much" at 2 dollars, but whatever.

If you're a fan of the franchise at all it's worth it for 2 bucks.

I love the hell out of the Aliens franchise, I even enjoy Resurrection. The game looks like total ass though. I have absolutely no interest in supporting the bullshit Gearbox pulled with the game. I will NEVER give them a single penny for this game.
Its worth spending an extra $3 and buying the first game on Steam. Avoid this like the plague.
I love the hell out of the Aliens franchise, I even enjoy Resurrection. The game looks like total ass though. I have absolutely no interest in supporting the bullshit Gearbox pulled with the game. I will NEVER give them a single penny for this game.

Fair enough...if you want to avoid supporting Gearbox, that's one thing. But the actual game itself is worth 2 bucks.
It's still not great...the main problem is most of the game you are fighting mercenaries, not xenomorphs.
Its worth $2 just to hear the machine gun sound effects.

Every meal a banquet.... Every paycheck a fortune!
It really isn't "too much" at 2 dollars, but whatever.

If you're a fan of the franchise at all it's worth it for 2 bucks.

As a fan of the franchise, why would I want to play something that shits all over the franchise?

They could fix every technical glitch, it still looks like crap.
It's not THAT bad, it was just highly disappointing at launch, and I wouldn't pay full price for it EVER.
I'm a huge Alien fanboy but I avoided this game like the plague...that being said, for $1.99 it might be worth it...99 cents would be the perfect price for this :D
my brother said he asked the company for his money back when he bought it at release. He said the pre release footage was not of the game itself. Of course he didn't get any money back.
The $2 might be worth it to hear the gun, but you quickly realize you should have just burned it when the aliens react and move like robots...

Only buy this if you are a big enough fan of Aliens to think that Aliens 4 was a good addition to the franchise.
I Managed to get one for myself...was gonna get 2 more for Christmas gifts but "This item is currently unavailable."

So the deals dead!!!