Alien Vs Predator who will you be?


Limp Gawd
Jun 14, 2004

I am not sure how they will set this up, if you will be able to choose your race before you start or if you have to play through to each characters campaign, assuming you can choose, which race will you be first?

I am going with the Predators first, followed closely behind as an Alien..

I know in AvPII you could choose, however I can’t remember but I have a feeling in AvP I you had to play through each mission to unlock the race..
To tell the truth,the Colonial Marines seem seriously outclassed. They should have given them Nanosuits,that would have evened the odds! Overall,the Predators have the edge.
I'll be playing as Larry David.

Aliens, the whole horror aspect of sneaking about on ceilings and stalking people in the dark.

The marines are supposed to be outclassed, in the previous multiplayer they were worth a lot less points for a kill. Whenever we played it at LANs we'd have 1 predator 2-3 aliens and as many marines as possible, about 5-6 was a good sweet spot.
The Marines are supposed to be packing the most firepower and neither the Alien nor the Predator will be able to withstand a good blast from Marine weaponry, according to Rebellion.

I'll be playing as a Predator. Cloaking, stealth kills, trophy collecting...yeah.
I am going for marine first. TBH, I never really got into playing as either the alien or predator as much as the marine. Just something about knowing you are outnumbered and outgunned that is appealing to me. Especially when you are on your last pulse rifle mag in a pitch black corridor, then your flare fizzles out as the motion tracker starts to beep. Now THAT is some serious fun.

I honestly can't wait to play the new one. I also hope that my pc can run it with most of the eye candy up

@ GabooN - You can choose your race from the get-go in the first as well.
Marine first, so I can get the crap scared out of me before I can 'get used to' exactly what the aliens and predators can do, although I doubt there will be too many surprises.

My gamer name is Ripley ;)

yes like Ellen Ripley from Aliens :D

From your two picks though... Predator :cool:
Colonial Marine for me probably. I'm a huge fan of Aliens and getting the chance to play as a marine is too good to pass up.
I am going for marine first. TBH, I never really got into playing as either the alien or predator as much as the marine. Just something about knowing you are outnumbered and outgunned that is appealing to me. Especially when you are on your last pulse rifle mag in a pitch black corridor, then your flare fizzles out as the motion tracker starts to beep. Now THAT is some serious fun.

I honestly can't wait to play the new one. I also hope that my pc can run it with most of the eye candy up

@ GabooN - You can choose your race from the get-go in the first as well.

See I couldnt recall but that sounds about right..

The predator is normally the one out numbered.. But the idea of playing as a marine first to experience what the predator and aliens in this game will be capable of is a cool idea.
But I just can’t pass up stealth and trophy kills!
I hope as an Alien you start off as a facehuger and work your way up to a full blown xenomorph(AvPII but more time to grow!), and just maybe you can find a predator as your host!!!
If the balance is anything like the original AvP then I'll be playing the Marines cause I like the underdogs. Besides, the pulse rifle is awesome-sauce and predator players would always go "wtf" when you pump two pulse grenades into their head to drop them like a brick when they're use to crapping all over marine players.

If my friends flake out and don't have a capable PC by then and I end up having to get this for console then it's Aliens all the way!
I want to be the pilot, and nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.
If this thread has taught me anything it's that the AvP franchise is successful precisely because people like to play all 3 classes, even the underdogs. I'll see how the DRM thing goes first, if it's just steamworks they're using I may just buy the game over steam to begin with, for some reason I dont mind steam on my digital downloads but get irritated by additional software like steam when buying a hard copy.
predator, looking forward to punching out some aliens, fists were preds best weapon in avp1, iam hoping they still are in this.
First as a marine on hardest level, like the challenge of kicking aliens ass, and using their tails to smack predator in the face and up the BUTT.

Marine then Predator then Alien...

I want to go marine first so that i'm scared out of my wits... if i go any of the other species i may get used to the atmosphere...

I really cannot wait for this game!!
Same reason as the others for Marine to play the campaign. So that I'll be thrilled by the unknown.

In the Multiplayer I play Marine with pulse rifle and grenade least in AVP2 I did. I'm not quite like the above with double pumped grenades. I'm a bullet you and clean you up with a grenade when you try to cover. I hope they have a class system for the marines with medics, engineer fortifications, volumous flamethrowers, etc.

What I loved about AVP2 was how often I got waxed by a fracking little bitch ass runner. lol There was nothing like being certain nothing was there and taking a second look and catching it in the face by a flying whip tail.

Honestly I hated predators in AVP2. OMG It would drive me crazy KNOWING that bastard was above me but being uncertain enough about his position that I couldn't shoot at him without drawing attention to an alien.

That's what is so great about AVP actually, it's the rock paper scissors.
Anyone remember how devastating the smartgun was? My friends hated it when I'd use it.
Honestly... if those characters actually existed, the Predators would wipe them all out. So I'd go with the Predator... that's as close to Crysis technology you can get. lol
I hope they stay true to the old games. From the videos it appears so. However it has been like 10 years.

I will probably play single player first - Marines>Predator>Aliens (possibly not finish the Aliens campaign, shit made me crazy motion sick in the AVP2.) Then multiplayer I will mix it up between all 3, probably start with Predator.
Preds would own all, look at what one or two can do.. Could you imagine a full hunting party of nothing but preds. I am so ready to play this game!!!

In AvP I the pred was my fav in Mplayer, however in AvP II Alien was my first choice in Mplayer. The smart gun was devastating. It was so freaking awesome when you become the queen you would kick so much ass..
The queen had mobility issues. It was quite enjoyable to find a narrow corridor to shoot out her vagina from. ^_^
alien goes om nom nom nom nom

so i guess thats my choice...
Ill probably play marine first, so I can scream like a little girl like I did back in 2000.
Ill have the most FUN with the aliens though. Climbing on ceilings in dark rooms with high roofs. Jump on peoples heads and nom nom them. Yeah baby.
the most fun i have ever had on lan was playing that game mode in AvP2 when you all spawned as marines and the first one to die became an alien and had to hunt the marines down.

i remember a lan at my friends place and we were all screaming like little girls

the motion sensor would be like

scanscanscanscanscan BEEP

"shit where is he WHERE IS HE WHERE IS HE"


etc etc

it was awesome :D

hopefully this game can recreate some of that awesome atmosphere
playing in a room of people in avp would be so epic. vent is the next best thing but its great when your right there.