Air Movement Noise


Nov 17, 2001
I have an air 540 and I find that the noise from the fan/air is more than i like. I am trying to pinpoint where most of the noise is coming from. All my fans are running at around 500-600 rpm and it still makes a lot of noise from the air moving around. Although i do have a push pull on two radiators so that might be causing more noise and the two fans on each radiator are not quiet they are the default fans evga uses on their hybrid radiators. I also have evga g2 power supply without eco mode but i don't think it is noise coming from the back of the case. The noise is not buzzing or any high pitched noise but a dull noise. I am wondering if this is more to do with the case and if an R5 windowed would reduce the noise down a lot more or is it the fault of the fans and would require me replacing the default air 540 corsair fans (sp140?) with noctua fans. Trying to decide which would reduce noise more.
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