Air Filter Stuff


Limp Gawd
Jul 16, 2003
What's some good air filter material stuff? Stuff you can buy in a sheet or something and cut yourself. I want to make my computer almost dust free on the inside. I'm only having 2 fans in the PC. Side fan blowing in, back fan blowing out and the PSu will be blowing out.

I'd like to maintain alright air flow, but also keep the dust out.
i 2nd the panyhose (it actually makes a great filter) good luck on obtaining it though :D
On my first rig I used an old t-shirt that finally had it after one too many washings. I ghetto-modded them using electrician's tape to hold it down to the grill.

This was back when I didn't trust myself in building my own systems and still took things to a computer shop. They asked me WTF I was doing. I was like "Eh, didn't think I should spend money on a filter."


It probably wasn't the best idea I had but I was 17 and asking my mother for some of her old pantyhose probably would've gotten me some strange looks. My dad would've been like :eek: