AGP Fast Write on or off ?


Limp Gawd
Jan 28, 2003
I was not sure if this should be on or off. I done a google search on it and find both on and off being said. So what do you all think, Do you have it on or off ? And why is it better that way ?
hehe, as I'm sure a few people can vouche for I've been trying to turn mine off for a little while now. I just can't seem to find out how. Anyway, if your having lock ups or freezing in games... like CoD for instance, turning it off will fix the problem. I would leave it off personally.
The majority would say OFF. A lot of people who had it on, had problems. So they turned it off and it went away. I kept my off (turn it off in bios) and I have never gotten any incompatiblities with any games.
ON until you encounter any problems. The performance gain is negligible though, so you may just want to turn it off.
which ever one gives you better performance,

on my computer off works best with my 9800pro however on my old 9500np on was a HUGE difference.