Age of Empires 4

Why isn't anyone talking about this? How you all liking it so far?
Why isn't anyone talking about this? How you all liking it so far?
I've been playing this pretty steadily, mostly the campaigns. There are 4 of them, and they are all a blast along with some great historical videos thrown in between each mission.

I'm generally loving the game, and give it a high rating. I think the issue is that this type of game just doesn't hold the attention span of modern idiots anymore.
Really enjoying it. Haven't started the campaign, played some comp stomp games. AI is decent for someone that isn't a master at strategy games and provides a fun challenge.
Yeah I'm actually not good enough at these game to be competitive but I enjoy them anyway. Sounds good, downloading now!
I've finished the Norman campaign and have also been playing online multiplayer. I'm having a blast and absolutely love this game. 2v2 online is really starting to grow on me, as having a partner seems to give you some leeway and margin for error (assuming matched with others of same skill).

Just my assumption, but I think the age/maturity demographic of the players of this game skew a bit older than your average game (say COD or whatever), which are people from an era/mindset where you just simply play and enjoy a game, rather than needing to hype it and constantly talk about it.
Online matches are interesting because of how different each nation plays. It really makes you switch up tactics based on who you're playing. It's no longer just some differing units, but the economy types completely vary as well.