Age of Empires 3 Demo released

yblocgerg said:
Hmmph, doesnt want to start for me. Says it may be a corrupt driver, D3D not installed right, hardware acceleration disabled, or the workstation locked.

Perhaps it dosnt like x64, which is what I am on.

fallguy - i get this same error, anybody know how to fix this? i installed the 78.01 nvidia drivers to try to fix it, it did not.

Quoting this because I also am getting this same error. Downloaded the latest nvidia drivers and Direct X and still isn't working. running XP SP2 on an x64 as well. annoying; I just want to play.
kcthebrewer said:
To the people who are getting errors, is your version of XP... legal?

I got my XP pro through my MSDN account here at college so it is legal
Yes mine is legal. Bought it off of these forums, its the OEM x64 edition. Had to call MS to get it activated though, which wasnt as bad as I had thought it would be.

So far I have seen about 6-7 people with the same error as I do. From x32 to x64. All have NV cards though, and A64's. I dont think its a problem with the AMD setup, but perhaps the NV cards? I havent seen anyone with a ATi card with the same error.

btw, the "bloom" effect is way, wayyyy over done. Looks bad.

pic from another user;
TheJackal, what setting are those?

I'm dowloading right now(110kb:()

Just remember that this is a yea...
Oh man, I really want to play this... 24% downloaded, I really hope it doesn't bork up when I try it with my 7800GT and A64 X2 pair!
Damn I was hoping to play this on my lappy.. poor Geforce Go 6200 :(
Sucks that the demo is single player only. Was hoping to play some ao3 multiplayer. Other than that seems pretty fun. Not too difficult to pick up if you played the other aoe games.
Downloaded really fast for me on fileplanet


Game ran fine at really high settings.
abudhu said:
I think I'll take that crown at 1.6Mb/s


Wanna pass that crown over here pls. 7.71Mb/s



I love my fast connection.
fallguy said:
So far I have seen about 6-7 people with the same error as I do. From x32 to x64. All have NV cards though, and A64's. I dont think its a problem with the AMD setup, but perhaps the NV cards? I havent seen anyone with a ATi card with the same error.

I've got the same error with A64 and NV 6800 Ultra and Win XP SP2 (32 bit).
Edit: And Dell 2005FPW monitor
The game is a bit dissapointing. Almost like a Rise of Nations clone. The graphics are not even as good as WC3! They are colorful though. I liked AOEII better, although I'd take the faster paced WC3 over AOE3 anyday!
That's one hell of a fast download link :p

Ran great, was fun. Can't wait for the final release :)
Sz1hart said:
TheJackal, what setting are those?

I'm dowloading right now(110kb:()

Just remember that this is a yea...

the third screen shot i took shows my settings. ;)
Met-AL said:
Wanna pass that crown over here pls. 7.71Mb/s



I love my fast connection.

Maybe you didn't see my post from above at 2.6 megaBYTES/second. :D
GoldenTiger said:
Oh man, I really want to play this... 24% downloaded, I really hope it doesn't bork up when I try it with my 7800GT and A64 X2 pair!

GRRRRR... it doesn't work! Using the 77.77 nvidia graphics drivers and no go... same error as everyone else. Hope they make a fix for this soon!
Seems to be people with 6xxx nVidia cards and Dell 2005 monitors.

so the people with the really high end 7800gtx series pc's won't play it?

how sad all that money you put into it. :rolleyes:

supports the 6600GT series
My 6800GT works fine, so if anyone has that card, yours should work barring any other hardware conflict.

Is it me, or is this game really not bringing any innovation to the table? It seems like a hum-drum RTS so far..
7800GTX and a 2005fpw here, and I'm having that D3D error too. Go figure, old, slow, last-gen cards can play the game, but the bleeding edge stuff gets an error.
After about an hour I've playing, I can say that I'm pretty disappointed. So far it just seems like a bunch of good ideas from other games thrown together (XP from WC3, path choices when you go to the next Age, from AoM.) And the new ideas that are in the game (card decks, home cities) are confusing and not really good ideas in the first place, to be honest.

I may be making a hasty decision, but really the only thing that impressed me while playing the game was the graphics, which really aren't that important or impressive anyway.

I guess I'll just keep waiting for Starcraft 2 (if/when it ever comes out.)
Then why don't you guys upgraded to the 80.40 beta drivers?

I'm running it just fine with those on my 6800U.... if you don't know where you get them.
7800GTX and 2405FPW and I am having the same problems with this demo. :(
aZn_plyR said:
OMG I didnt expect a DEMO so SOON!!! NICE :p

I am also @ 550kb a sec... almost exactly..and I have 4.5gb cable :) must've locked the upload speed at 550 :(

something tells me you are not on 4.5gb cable.....4.5mb maybe, but I highly doubt you have your own dedicated T3 line :D
77.77 and 78.03 drivers error out on my 2005fpw as well. This is upsetting me.
Erasmus354 said:
something tells me you are not on 4.5gb cable.....4.5mb maybe, but I highly doubt you have your own dedicated T3 line :D

yikes!! thnx for catching my mistake.... it is 4.5mb :p
Edit: Bah im stupid, i was looking at the installation folder instead of documents folder. Fix works perfectly!