Advantage of Fans with High Static Pressure


Limp Gawd
May 23, 2012
When they say fans like Gentle Typhoon have high static pressure, in which way is the advantage utilized? When pushing air into the heatsink / radiator or when pulling the air from the heatsink / radiator? I guess I still don't quite understand the concept of static pressure?
Static pressure is the abilitiy of a fan to overcome restriction. You can have fans that move lots of air when not facing the resistance of a radiator, alias CFM...but that same fan may not put out enough pressure to overcome an obstruction and get air to flow through it adequately.

For example, a 120 CFM fan with low static pressure might drop down to ~10-15 CFM on a radiator, while a 80 CFM fan with high static pressure would drop down to maybe 30-35 CFM.
Alright. So to take advantage of a high static pressure of a fan, one needs to have it pushing air into the radiator not pulling it out of it, right?

Pushing, pulling, it's the same thing. Still requires high static pressure either way.
Pushing, pulling, it's the same thing. Still requires high static pressure either way.

Tho some fans yield much better results under push or under pull. 1850 rpm Typhoons as an example perform much better under push.
Point is, a fan with weak static pressure is going to perform worse on a radiator than a fan with strong static pressure, regardless of whether it's in push or pull.
Great. I understand it better now. When I switch to water-cooling in the near future, I am going to use the GT's in the push mode.
