Adding HS's to MB Question

Top Nurse

Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 4, 2003
Does anyone know if it would help to add HS's to the voltage regulators (VR) that control the voltage going to the system memory?

I have already added HS's to the VR's that feed the CPU. I also have added a HSF to the SB as well. This would be for my A7N8X-Dlx H20 cooled (CPU and NB) board.
yes, yes it would

**damn i re-read it, i'm not sure, i thought you were talking about the one's around the proc.

BTW, I believe MOSFET=Metallic Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. MOSFET's are used in a variety of semiconductor applications most commonly as power amplifiers. However I believe the use on computer boards is to act as a voltage regulator (VR)...not Virtual Reality <smirk>.