Activision-Blizzard Stock is Tumbling


Mar 3, 2018
These last two months have been pretty hard on stock market in general, but Activision-Blizzard seems to be faring worse than everyone else. Their stock price has plummeted from a high of about $83.3 in October to about $53 right now. For a company as large as Activision-Blizzard, that's bad.

The Know drills down on why the stock is tanking in a video here.

BlizzCon's Diablo Immortal announcement dropped Activision's stock by 6.74%, but after a recent investor call their stock took yet another big hit. Hosted By: Brian Gaar and Jenn VanGemert Edited By: Aaron Porter
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b-b-but they are just doing what gamers want!

Honestly though, I don't know where they are or where they are going. I thought Overwatch was going to be a giant turd since it's just a TF2 copy - but apparently it really took off.
As someone that has played World of Warcraft since release, I can see why people are flaking out. We're a few months into the expansion and I'm already twiddling my thumbs on nights there are no raids. World Quests are boring as hell, there's only one raid instance, never cared for PvP, and running with randoms is a complete waste of time. The game is sort of like one of those giant bins of Cheese Puffs at Costco. It sure looks like a lot, but before you know it there's nothing left and you're still hungry.

The whole Diablo mobile fiasco didn't help things, that's for sure.
Dealing with minority bed wetters over the mobile announcement. It was stupid to announce it in that way but that platform will boost revenues and profits a lot.

Curious what the numbers will be on BO4.

Gaming is in an interesting place. Small studios develop a hit and then sell out to big company (I would to, that is why you put the work in to create something), big publishers are trying to create games that last a long time with continuous revenue streams, or you get Star Citizen.

The days of making and releasing a game like Contra (for example) and then moving on are over. Hell, people here get their panties in a twist if a game that is years old isn't update to stay with current resolutions.

The expectations placed on the developers aren't in line with what people are willing to pay. So companies are trying to pivot to continuous revenue streams and continuous support. Look at Fortnite, there focus is on keeping the game fresh... not developing fortnite 2.
Politically correct lazy blanned writing to appease the social justice scum on this earth to the point nobody is breaking any boundaries. Every game has to have a female, asian female, black female, newly formed female, weekend female, asian man, black man, mixed asian black man, it goes on and on and on....... It is holding back new franchises and killing existing ones.

There are other reasons like greed, loot boxes..... my opinion on the anger about that falls back on the first reason though. People that are mad do not like to spend in general. They feel entitled to everything. Games have to cater to their ten year old system that was sub pareven then. They have to cater to their belief that a person that is willing to pay for weapons they do not have time to unlock because they actually have a job should no be allowed to because that is pay to win in their small mind.

Games are going to get worst and worst when they are willing to let a small vocal group cuntrol what types of games get made.
Look at Fortnite, there focus is on keeping the game fresh... not developing fortnite 2.

Thats fine, just don't DLC us to death. Make the game 100% playable and not "Pay 2 win" Make money off the people willing to spend $5 on a new hat in game that doesnt make gameplay different. And let the rest of us enjoy the one time purchase fee.
Dealing with minority bed wetters over the mobile announcement. It was stupid to announce it in that way but that platform will boost revenues and profits a lot.

You keep telling your self that while stroking your iphone but the stock is really tanking...take a look at the top selling mobile games. ARPG is not high on that list and there were already plenty of D3 clones out there. You want to make a quick cash grab then a 2012 ARPG game might not be your best be. I'd say the people defending this move are in the minority.
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i remember when I bought ATVI when it was low 20's just a few years ago. didn't hold it.

seems like every stock I didn't hold went up big time. including AMD.


One key to trading in the stock market is the ability to grit your teeth and clench, IMO. Holding onto a stock during a really bad month often works out, while buying in on super hyped ones can come back to bite you. Individual traders kinda have an advantage over giants in that respect, as they don't have nervous clients breathing down their neck, and they can trade small cap stocks individually.

But yeah, I know how you feel... I've sold a whopper too early before :(
No, I don't think Blizzard is itself anymore. Morheim stepped down after 20+ years prior to Blizzcon. Obviously a man in the know. I have been a Blizz supporter since Warcraft ][. Have bought their titles, been subbed to WoW since October 2006, and have ended my recurring sub. RnG on top of RnG, and another round of RnG sucks. I cannot bring myself to level another Alt to 120, I have done 3, and am finished. Blizzard/Activision have moved their metric to time spent logged on average, and not on subs. They view a win as making you take 15 minutes to do something instead of 5 now. Not realizing when I am done after 15, I am done. Their development team has become hostile to the community, either telling it it doesn't know what it wants, or that they hear us and now it is bad, but here it is anyways. As much as Cataclysm gets a bad rap for an expansion (it was thin) the ways to gear were appropriate. You got badges (Valor or Justice depending on difficulty) and could be turned in for last raid tiers equivalent gear so you could protect yourself from bad luck and at least earn something to be turned in for better gear than you currently have. Allow you to gear up for raid entry levels, gear alts, etc.....

Since then, it has all become crap........ If you have left the game, Stay Away. If you are thinking of starting, Stay Away! The AXE is going to fall.
Could it be that Activision is one of the worst publishers around, right up there with EA and Ubisoft? Could it be that people are ever-so-slowly getting tired of their bullshit? How many yearly updates, nickels, dimes, an threats (that's what I call them :D ) to go streaming service only do they think people can put up with? Not only do they piss off the people that play their games, but they are constantly strong-arming their own studios and artists.

I mean, look at id Software. How bad does your publisher have to be to make Zennimax look attractive? :D

There are so many companies out there making and publishing (and Indying can I use that?) good games, and NOT pissing anybody off. How these big-three are still even around is beyond me.

Let them burn...
There is only a set amount of possible players for any game/type of game trying to get in on the action after it hit's a peak will almost Always fail, look at all the MMO's that failed after wow's succes.

The battle royale game will suffer the same fate hence why COD BOIIII is dissapointing.
Could it be that Activision is one of the worst publishers around, right up there with EA and Ubisoft? Could it be that people are ever-so-slowly getting tired of their bullshit? How many yearly updates, nickels, dimes, an threats (that's what I call them :D ) to go streaming service only do they think people can put up with? Not only do they piss off the people that play their games, but they are constantly strong-arming their own studios and artists.

I mean, look at id Software. How bad does your publisher have to be to make Zennimax look attractive? :D

There are so many companies out there making and publishing (and Indying can I use that?) good games, and NOT pissing anybody off. How these big-three are still even around is beyond me.

Let them burn...

We are the minority, ever since gaming when the way of Maximum magazine and Coor's its become mainstream. Mainstream audience is by and large not invested other than to be 'in the in' and have something casual to do.

The reality is this mobile bid will likely pay off, and they'll dump out SC3 and D4, and most of us will still buy em. Hell if they made Warcraft 4 I'd buy that, even knowing they won't live up to the game of old, its still better than nothing at all.
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We are the minority, ever since gaming when the way of Maximum magazine and Coor's its become mainstream. Mainstream audience is by and large not invested other than to be 'in the in' and have something casual to do.

The reality is this mobile bid will likely pay off, and they'll dump out SC3 and D4, and most of us will still buy em. Hell if they made Warcraft 4 I'd buy that, even knowing they won't live up to the game of old, its still better than nothing at all.

This. This is what this forum fails to grasp. The more you try and cater to the audience here at [H] the tougher it becomes to make money and profit. You guys seems to want $5 dollar AAA games with lifetime of support. That model does not work anymore. The requirements to keep these games up and running is too great.

Likewise the money to be made off single player is tough to come by. It seems only a few franchises can still achieve the monster sales (Rockstar, Bethsda, ect.).
This. This is what this forum fails to grasp. The more you try and cater to the audience here at [H] the tougher it becomes to make money and profit. You guys seems to want $5 dollar AAA games with lifetime of support. That model does not work anymore. The requirements to keep these games up and running is too great.

Likewise the money to be made off single player is tough to come by. It seems only a few franchises can still achieve the monster sales (Rockstar, Bethsda, ect.).

I'm actually quite aware of how things work. I'm just speaking from my own point of view. Obviously these big publishers make their money from milking the mainstream. Nobody in that segment is going after us old-time hardcore game players from back in the proverbial day. :p They wouldn't be making even 10% of what they do now if that was the case.

Doesn't mean I have to like it, and wish it wasn't the case though. It's ok, I get most of my gaming in with Indies and Nintendo properties now, and id Software. id still knows what I like, and delivers every time. Arkane puts out games I like too. I still get my AAA fill from the Bethesda-owned companies that I've always liked. And I still hate Zennimax too. :D How's that for a conundrum?
I'm actually quite aware of how things work. I'm just speaking from my own point of view. Obviously these big publishers make their money from milking the mainstream. Nobody in that segment is going after us old-time hardcore game players from back in the proverbial day. :p They wouldn't be making even 10% of what they do now if that was the case.

Doesn't mean I have to like it, and wish it wasn't the case though. It's ok, I get most of my gaming in with Indies and Nintendo properties now, and id Software. id still knows what I like, and delivers every time.

Agreed. Those were the days.

Now if you don't mind I have to get back to playing Super Mario 64 for the 1000th time on my $2K gaming PC.
This. This is what this forum fails to grasp. The more you try and cater to the audience here at [H] the tougher it becomes to make money and profit. You guys seems to want $5 dollar AAA games with lifetime of support. That model does not work anymore. The requirements to keep these games up and running is too great.

Likewise the money to be made off single player is tough to come by. It seems only a few franchises can still achieve the monster sales (Rockstar, Bethsda, ect.).

I'd argue it isn't hard to make a profit off of a single player experience at all, and the thought that it is is just a lack of digging deeper. It is not a profit that these companies want, its continual and ever growing profit/earnings, so if Title A made $250M this year, title A2 needs to make the same at minimum to be average, but Ideally $300M. This continual pursuit of ever greater profit is the insanity that has brought us to a point of minimal innovation and maximum marketing.

No one wants $5 AAA games, get out of here with that crap. We by and large don't even mind micro-transactions as long as they are not required to enjoy the full game experience (IE Cosmetic).
I find the time to buy is when everyone is shitting on a co. They aren't going anywhere.
Agreed. Those were the days.

Now if you don't mind I have to get back to playing Super Mario 64 for the 1000th time on my $2K gaming PC.

I do the same thing. :D Every fall I play one or two Mario games, and one or two Zelda games. We (daughters and I) just beat the Wind Waker HD remake, and are nearing completion on Breath of the Wild. I also started Super Mario World (also for the 1000th time) on my living room PC the other day, so that's in the works now too. This year I mixed it up with a good play of Chrono Trigger. (almost done with it)
Now is the time to buy Activision Blizzard stocks. The company is not going anywhere.
I disagree with people saying that the vocal ones about this are in the minority. No chance in hell (pun intended). The backlash is this big because A LOT of people are unhappy.
As much as I hate what they did to Diablo, it's still a great time to buy their stock. The market will recover and you'll end up with 50-75% more money this time next year (which I bet will have a lot more interesting Blizzcon).
I don't think this will be an issue, because Asia wants this on mobile, getting this game to the mobile market in China will be a license to print money. The Chinese mobile gaming market has at last count upwards of 619 million users, and brings in a stunning 37.9 Billion each year.... by partnering with NetEase for this launch they are going to rake money in hand over fist. I suspect this has a lot less to do with the Diablo Immortals outrage and more to do with the drop in revenue from WoW, declining Destiny 2 player base, weak interest in the Warcraft 3 remastered edition, the delay of Diablo 4 and Activision/Blizzards reluctance to share the CoD: Black Ops 4 sales data.
The company will definitely rebound, but it has been a perfect storm of "meh" news coming out of that camp lately. They've tried to phone it in for just a little too long.

I see what you did there.. Phone it in. lol.
i remember when I bought ATVI when it was low 20's just a few years ago. didn't hold it.

seems like every stock I didn't hold went up big time. including AMD.


The tech sector is taking a beating as of late. AMD went from $15 or so a few months back to about $33 last month back down to $17.
This. This is what this forum fails to grasp. The more you try and cater to the audience here at [H] the tougher it becomes to make money and profit. You guys seems to want $5 dollar AAA games with lifetime of support. That model does not work anymore. The requirements to keep these games up and running is too great.

Likewise the money to be made off single player is tough to come by. It seems only a few franchises can still achieve the monster sales (Rockstar, Bethsda, ect.).

I think you are oversimplifying people's concerns. I think the main theme on this forum is people wanting fully fledged games at launch. Not broken, half assed money grabs that then bleed you for even more by putting the rest of the game in a DLC instead of finishing the full game first.

Also the notion that companies cannot do this is completely inaccurate. There are number of companies that actually do that successfully. It seems the larger companies are simply more interested in printing money than putting out a quality product. Just look at all the companies that lock out customization only to sell it as add-ons and loot boxes. Look at the increase of PTW schemes over the years. Look at games that had very short campaigns and then sold DLC shortly after their launch. Or games that immediately drop their prices shortly after launch because they knew they produced a half assed game to begin with.

Then look at other companies that are successful and produce quality products. Just as an example, XCOM and XCOM 2 were both successful. Both offer community customization which makes the games fare better over time. Both offered a full game and then produced actual full expansions that gave a completely updated version of the game as well.
b-b-but they are just doing what gamers want!

Honestly though, I don't know where they are or where they are going. I thought Overwatch was going to be a giant turd since it's just a TF2 copy - but apparently it really took off.

A couple points about overwatch. OW is somewhat polished compared to valve games. That has always been a critical weakness at valve they just sort of throw games out there and let it sink or swim. Valve rarely reinvests significantly in a game in a way that keeps it constantly in good shape, the first game I saw them do that with and pull back from the brink of disaster was CS with CSGO and it showed CSGO finally reunited all the CS players under one game. OW is way better than TF2 because of this and its been a pretty good hit for blizzard. Not surprisingly many of the best players and everything under them that played TF2 shifted to overwatch as valve has pretty much abandoned TF2 for CSGO and DOTA.

Second OW is like the perfect game for emotionally motivated people. Blizzard has a little something in there for everyone. There are heros like doomfist that play just like a fighter from arcade games like mortal combat, super street fighter etc...Then you have cool downs and ultimates which cater to MMO and RTS gamers. You have a back story, you have all sorts of SJW pandering etc... I have never encountered more girl gamers in a competitive FPS than I have in OW. Point is OW draws in a lot of people that wouldn't normally play a competitive FPS.