Acer Travel Mates


Limp Gawd
Jul 31, 2001
I am doing my research into laptops and Acer laptops are within my range (about $1750 Cdn = $1300 USD) so I am considering them. I am looking for a Pentium M processor with wireless G and 512 MB RAM. I don't care about video card because minimum gaming here. Here's the website for the basic specs: I am looking at the TM291 LCI-G-XPH. From reviews that I've read the keyboard seems mushy at some places but not all. Plus from reviews it has a pretty long battery life for 1 battery when compared to say Dell's 600M.

I want to know from anyone who has used Acer laptops before. Also brand quality in ranks to IBM, Dell, HP/Compaq, and eMachines. TIA
my TM290 = <3

the 291 should be the same thing

i get 5 hours of run time on a charge, and its a great little laptop overall..the keyboard isnt mushy at all...the lid is a bit tho, but as long as you dont twist it hard, its fine.