About prescott.


Limp Gawd
Oct 6, 2002
I'm planning to get a P3.2E ghz prescott. I just want to know how hot do this thing get. And how much of a help will thermal compound help with the cooling?
Fairly hot, what heatsink are you planning on using?

With a Zalman 7000 ALCU mine shows 50C at Idle and 74C full load on my Abit IC7-G (though this MB is known for showing a higher temp than it is actually at, I used throttle watch to make sure it was not actually overheating at full load)

Also are you planning to use this on your P4S533? Because it will not work with that MB.

Nope, I'm using a P4P800 SE MB and i'm probably just gonna use the stock heatsink. Wow 50C at idle thats pretty hot. But like you said maybe is your motherboard. So i'm hoping that if i do get it, this MB will show a more acurrate temp.
My 3.0E @ 3.2 ran about 40c idle and 50 under load tops.. thats on the stock heatsink with cheap thermal grease as well.
yeah i have an IC-7 MAX-II and im at 47 idle on my 2.8E But i have an infared thermometer and it said 40C at the die. Id probably trust the thermometer more.
I have a Coolmaster Heatsink, and some thermal compound(dont ask what kind, it came with my HP bundle). I Idle at about 36 and loads go up to 45!!! If I get a program to turn my heatsink fan up all the way, I can idle at 29!!! Oh by the way its 2.8, so yeah it probably doesnt create as much heat as the other ones out there.
Ok guys i got everything and hook everything up. Problem is i can't boot into windows. I got a bsod everytime i try to boot into windows. Hmm could it be my power supply. I got a enermax 350watt power supply and here's my spec. I checked all the voltage in the bios. The only place that lack of power is the 5v and the 12v section. Both of these shown they are only at the 4.9 and 11.9 range. Here's is my spec

P4P800 SE
P4 3.2GHz Prescottt
ATI sapphire 9800 PRO
2 X 80 seagate harddrive
2 x 512 samsung memory
? first question did you re format? If so, I would say yes Power supply. Check the Bios settings and make sure everything is showing
Tempreture will vary based on the tempreture of the room your puter is in. I know at around 65 degrees I can achieve 40-45 degrees under load at 3.8-3.9ghz Cool my room down to 60 and I can hit 40 degrees at 4.0ghz

Water cooling is the only way to go if you going to venture up in to the 4ghz land.
1quicksi said:
Tempreture will vary based on the tempreture of the room your puter is in. I know at around 65 degrees I can achieve 40-45 degrees under load at 3.8-3.9ghz Cool my room down to 60 and I can hit 40 degrees at 4.0ghz

Good point. Temperatures will definitely vary depending on room temperature. I am consistently amazed at the number of posts which state the processor temperature, but fail to mention room temperature. I have central A/C, but during the hot summer months (over 98F outside) the small room that contains three gaming computers reaches temperatures of 89F (toasty). During the winter, room temps dip into the 60's. My 3.2E therefore idles between 41C and 52C depending on the season.

If someone were to ask me my CPU temp, I could say it idles at 41C or I could say it idles at 52C and both would be correct.
no i didn't format.. am i suppose to? Crap if so thats mean i'm gonna lost all my files.
omi said:
I'm planning to get a P3.2E ghz prescott. I just want to know how hot do this thing get. And how much of a help will thermal compound help with the cooling?

My friend got a 3.2ghz it reaches 80 degrees when he play games, and 40-45 when doing nothing much.
I have a 3.0E for about 5 or so months now, With Intel HSF and some AS5, regularly fold and have 100% cpu, and see 55-59, under idle i'm about 45, mainboard temp is at 30.

I'm going to be looking into an upgrade for the HSF though, cause this was mainly in the winter months now and see my CPU fan hitting 5k as i'm getting to 59-60 now, and its too loud
ok guys i got everything working again. Fixed the boot problem. Now Here's my temp. When idle i'm at 46C. Surfing web and browsing i'm at 47-48C and playing games i'm at the 53-55 range. MB temp is 38-39C. I have 4 fan running. Front fan, sidecase fan, 2 rear fan. and a dual fan power supply so i guess that help a bit. All and all i'm happy with my set up. Thankyou all for the info. :)
Are your prescotts 478pin cus man they all run hot mine on stock cooling for now idles down to 32 and with 2 instances of Prime 95 only gets to max 55-58
Yup mine is 478pin. But i haven't have time to push this cpu to the limit yet. Gonna do it this weekend.