a64 2800+ or 2500+xp?


Jul 8, 2004
im thinking about doing the combo deal on newegg or getting a 2500+ barton and an Abit nf7-s for like $35 cheaper. which would honestly be the better deal? not looking to overclock, and im on a REALLY strict budget and have to do some serious begging for the upgrade and i just want to make sure its going to be worth it. thanks.
Definitely the A64 2800+ deal. The Athlon XP setup is getting a little long on the tooth.
If you are building a new machine, and you can afford it, I see no reason not to go with A64 ... it just performs better ...
bobsaget said:
yeah, go A64... For $198 for a mobo and cpu...THAT AINT BAD!!!


where ouwld one find an a64 mobo and proc for that much? the 2800+ alone is like 170+.
on newegg right now they have a chaintech board with the a64 2800+ for 223 i did my match wrong earlier so its like 50 bucks more. now for my completely n00b question. if the a64 and 2500 both operate at 1.8 ghz why would the 64 be that much better?
Differences in CPU architecture and efficiency. Right now the Athlon XP 2500+ plus motherboard setup is a bit overpriced for the performance that it delivers, even at $50 less than an A64 2800+ combo. Moreover, any Socket A processors that are not Sempr0ns are actually going to be more expensive to buy in the near future, because Bartons are currently on their way out.
anymore opinions on this? is the chaintech board that comes with the combo any good? ordering this week so ALL opinions are welcome. :)
its sitting on my bed right now....
ill be bringing my box and that combo into work tomorrow to set it up... ill let ya know how things go with that once i get it up but ive heard good things about that mobo for how cheap it is
thanks man. ordering tommorow so i need all opinions. would a xp mobile be a good alternative?? this is going to be a budget gaming rig so just tell me what you think is best. this is also my first build so im a little weary of OCing but im willing to try.