a way to "open as" while browsing directories on a network

the block

Nov 23, 2001
When you are logged onto a machine without local admin rights (but you know what the proper credentials are), and you need to install a piece of software, you right click -> run as -> and then enter the proper administrator credentials.

Is there a way to do something like this while browsing a network directory? Same circumstances, but you are logged in as someone who doesn't have the proper rights to get into a directory on a shared folder on the network. Is there some trick to being able to have it prompt you for the proper credentials to get into that folder. What I was thinking there should be was instead of a right click -> run as for when you click on an executable, there should be a right click -> open for the times you click on a directory.

Any ideas on how to get it to prompt you for the credentials so you don't have to log out and back in again with a different user?
Well if you use the command line you could use runas on cmd.exe and browse the share that way (if you map a network drive as cmd does not handle UNC paths). I tried to launch an explorer window using runas but it failed to launch. I did not test it but I wonder if you taskkill explorer.exe and then runas explorer.exe with the other user credentials if it will work?
Map Network Drive has a "logged as user X" option that should do what you need.
Map Network Drive has a "logged as user X" option that should do what you need.

That feature should be better interpreted as, Connect as, not Run as. If you map a drive with a different account, only transactions to the file server are run as that account. If you launch a program or file from the share, you are still using your account on your PC to run it in your environment.