A networking question so simple, I'm kinda embarrased to ask


Limp Gawd
May 31, 2001

Is it possible to connect two computers without a router; a cat5 wire going from nic to nic, and still have the both computers able to work on and send WU's correctly, for FAH?

Sneakernetting might be a simpler solution, but I don't have any medium (not even my 3.5 drive is working) to transfer all the data needed.

Without a hub/switch/router, you can't really, unless one computer has two NICs. If you do have a computer with two NICs, you can use Windows' built-in "Internet Connection Sharing" (one NIC connects to the internet, the other connects to the other computer).

You could switch the (internet-connected) network cable from one computer to the other when they're ready to upload a WU.

Mohonri said:
Without a hub/switch/router, you can't really, unless one computer has two NICs. If you do have a computer with two NICs, you can use Windows' built-in "Internet Connection Sharing" (one NIC connects to the internet, the other connects to the other computer).

You could switch the (internet-connected) network cable from one computer to the other when they're ready to upload a WU.

As a matter of fact, two nics is one of the benefits of having an Nforce 2 board, so that problem is solved. :)

If one computer is Windows XP and another is *shudder* Windows ME, there shouldn't be any compatibility problems, right?

might need a cross over cable from nic>nic

eidt: do the ICS (internet connection sharing) on the XP boxen if possible, much easier
marty9876 said:
might need a cross over cable from nic>nic

eidt: do the ICS (internet connection sharing) on the XP boxen if possible, much easier

Forgive my ignorance, but "cross over cable"? :confused:

:edit: so you mean I have to mess with the colored wires?

You'd probably be better off buying one as you may not have the tools nor skills to make one. It's kind tricky..but it's just switching the little cables in the cat 5 around.


I believe a "normal" cat5, or "straight through", cable is just straight across...pin 1 to pin 1..etc..but I don't really remember..it's been a while.

gwai lo said:
You'd probably be better off buying one as you may not have the tools nor skills to make one. It's kind tricky..but it's just switching the little cables in the cat 5 around.


I believe a "normal" cat5, or "straight through", cable is just straight across...pin 1 to pin 1..etc..but I don't really remember..it's been a while.

That's what i thought. I did a bit of that with my brother when we were trying to connect our computers some years ago, and when the phone company came over to set up my DSL. I have an idea how tricky it is. :) We used small screwdrivers to configure the wires into the jack, so all it is is a matter of eyesight (determining colors on the wire) and the dexterity of you hands, hehe.

Yep..first time I tried doing it, took more than two hours. Takes forever to get the little wires to stay apart and straight, then it takes even more time to re-pair them up. Then after all that, you gotta get it into the connector without them changing places on you (which they like doing after you push it inside). Yeah..not much fun...

gwai lo said:
Yep..first time I tried doing it, took more than two hours. Takes forever to get the little wires to stay apart and straight, then it takes even more time to re-pair them up. Then after all that, you gotta get it into the connector without them changing places on you (which they like doing after you push it inside). Yeah..not much fun...

Hmmm, is a 128 MB usb key enough to sneakernet a directory and 10WU, like in gnewberry's guide? :) And how much would they cost?

you guys sound like making a cable is tough, If I can do it with my arthritis, anyone can.

Take your time, and no coffee before you do it :)

but if you don't have the tool to cut and crimp the ends then it is easier to buy one. just go to a real computer store not a super chain, and the cost is not that much.
Sweet, I got the computer up, and once I get my USB key tomorrow, because I decided on sneakernetting, the Horde should have an extra 1ghz p3 at its disposal. This is the first computer I've actually "added" (all my other machines have been upgrades) since I started back when folding was in its infancy. Yeah, i'm a slow poke, but its better than nothing. :p

Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated. :D

marty9876 said:
might need a cross over cable from nic>nic

eidt: do the ICS (internet connection sharing) on the XP boxen if possible, much easier
I think the nforce nics do auto mdi/mdi-x switching, so you don't need the xover cable...

but then, I got a surprise when I tried this with my computers and a normal cable. I wimped out and bought one.

Hell, just grab an ethernet cable box and switch the transfer and receive wires. I've done that before at my parents' house before I moved out of there. It was a lot easier to eet it up that way than to get a crossover cable since I couldn't find the one I already had.

Then again I wish I still had my crossover cable. :p It would come in handy.

Easiest way to do it is to take a cable, cut one end off and get a cat 5 jack from Home Depot or similar store and make sure you swap pin 1 with 3 and 2 with 6. Gives you a cross over adapter. I make them all the time at work so that we do not have to take 2 cables in the field with us.

And if you don't have a crimping tool...use a flathead screwdriver to push the doomaflotchie down on the cat5 plug :cool:
IIRC, RadioShack carries crossover cables. Buddy of mine picked one up a year ago after I told him he had to make one himself and they weren't sold in stores. I felt like an idiot after that, so now I remember it. :p