A 1200 Watt UPS for only $160?! How long will it last?


Nov 29, 2010
So the condo I am renting was built during that sweet spot when aluminum wiring was popular. A breaker for a half dozen or so units, including mine, blew recently due to being very very old according to the electrician I called out (and the one the building hired to confirm my guy's opinion). Of course, being left with half power temporarily took out my AC, water heater, oven, and dishwasher. Unfortunately, the event also hit my computer just right and corrupted my SSD RAID array and made my SATA ports rather finicky in regards to one of the drives.

So today, I bought myself a Xfinity branded 1200 Watt UPS for for a mere $160 after tax while I was at a Tigerdirect (formerly CompUSA) store today.

I wanted the extra oomph over a 900 watt UPS like CyberPower's offering because of overclocked tri-fired 7970s + CPU + I can now finally get around to water cooling + a ZR30W. I am concerned that all this while gaming could really brush me up against, or past, a 900w threshold. The load curve graph on the side of the box shows I have about 1.5 minutes of power at 1Kw of draw.

Enterprise grade UPS gear is seriously expensive and I do not have any spare 20-30 amp outlets or the ability to add them while renting. On the other hand, Xfinity makes me think of Comcast and all the aggravation that continues to bring me as my cable provider.

So was this a good buy, a bad buy, or is it good bye computer in an electrical fire?
i doubt its a good ups for $160 at 1200w. you have the model number? cheek the output V when its inverting under load and as long as its colse to 120ish (+- 10%)you should be ok. and if its outputting a really bad wave some PSUs might not run too good or at all. and do you know what the transfer time is? i have seen bad/cheep ups transfer to slow and the pc shuts off before it can transfer

cheek Craigslist an ebay some times you can get good ups whit bad batterys and rig deep cycles to it and get a few hours of run time out of them
Resurrecting a dead-ish thread here with some GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY!

This dubiously cheap UPS has continued to work as advertised since I bought it in 2012. During my last two power outages, I had enough time/juice to exit the game, close any open programs, and safely shut down the computer.

Based on the Amazon reviews of it, and its successor model, I must have the only functional sample of the product.
Based on the Amazon reviews of it, and its successor model, I must have the only functional sample of the product.

You've been getting lucky; I'd still replace it. It was a bad purchase from the start, and I'm not sure why you'd have even considered it. Most people on this site seem to know that the quality of a computer PSU matters, yet everyone seems to disregard this advice for UPS, where it is even MORE important. However it's good to hear that you haven't been screwed over by the decision.