9800pro static/interference


Limp Gawd
Jul 6, 2001

Can someone tell me what could be causing this..

>>> LINK <<<

I think its probably heat, but i did sit and play a few games last night with my patio door open and apart from myself getting bloody cold, it didnt seem to help very much :/

Is my card damaged?

Also, what would be a good replacement for the stock sapphire atlantis 9800pro heatsink/fan ?

cheers very much.. this is annoying me :(
My 9800pro does something similar if I clock the memory too high. Also, did you make any changes which could affect temps? You didn't note changing anything, so I assume that it worked fine and then this problem appeared. Is the corruption evident in other games/apps?

If I was overclocking my card, I would probably choose the VGA Silencer, but I'm not so my stock cooler (Hercules) is working OK.

I hope you can sort this out quickly. Good luck.
It isnt overclocked, and yes it has been working fine up until about last week i dont know why it would do this.. very odd.

The corruption is only aparent in games, i have played cs, cs:s, need for speed undeground, doom 3, and dawn of war... and they all show similar things either just 'static' or static AND weird atifacts. the effects get worse the longer i play so i am certian its heat

windows is totally fine..

my old gf3 was better then this :(

I might get a VGA silencer but i feel that i shouldnt need to as its completely stock.. so im going to contact the people i got it from and see if there is anything i can do

considering going back to nvidia if i can get a refund, what are my options in the same sort of price bracket?
Ive said it in the past..the cards that use molex connectors, be it single connectors or double are very power hungry..

remember higher watts doesnt mean its better and you can add on more hds..cdroms.. etc

Its all about how many amps are being pushed through the 12v rail. If you have a 300w psu with a 30a 12v rail, that psu will handle more devices than a 500w psu with a 18a 12v rail.

Reason your gf3 didnt do this is because it didnt have a molex connector on it.

I had graphic corruption on my 9800pro..I upgraded my psu to one that puts out 34a on the 12v rail and boom..corruption gone.
ah ok, i hadnt considered that..

i am using an Antec TruePower 430W PSU.. and iv got 2x hdd, 2x optical, and 5 case fans also running off of the molex connectors..

do you think this might be my problem.. im going to go check the specs for it now :eek:

Edit: seems to have 26A max on the 12v rail..
Hmm...that *MAY* be the problem but usually after like 24+ amps problems disappear..You could always check the heatsynk fan..it may have come loose..

Corruption like that is only caused by 3 things.

1. too hot
2. dying card
3. not enough amps on the 12v rail.

1 and 3 have been ruled out..it MAY be a dying card but I doubt it..I know using high AA/AF causes the card to heat up..try dumbing down the graphics quality and see if it happens again.
Also, make sure the fan still runs - they can fail resulting in corruption like this.
ok well the fan is still running,, so i can only surmise that the card is dying as the corruptions has only occured recently :(

i have emailed my vendor regarding the problem and either hope to get a replacement or a refund under warranty.. we shall see how it goes

thank you very much for your help guys