9800Pro Problems, help!


Jan 30, 2004
Ok so just build my new PC...
Athlon2800 @ 2.3
1gb corsairxms pc3200
Built by ati 9800 pro
Using the newest Omega drivers

When i run 3dmark2001 i score about 16500, which from what i have seen around here is kinda low. so i overclock the card to 405 core and 370 ram, and my score drops to 1600ish. Anyone ever seen this happen before?

OK. It seems you don't have AGP Texture Acceleration Enabled.

To check and see if it is:

Click Start > Run > Type "dxdiag" without the quotes.
Once the app has opened, click the Display tab and it will tell you whether or not it is enabled.

If it isn't, install your Chipset/Motherboard drivers and then reinstall DirectX.
shouldnt he uninstall his gfx and sound drivers, then reinstall the motherboard/chipset drivers?
Originally posted by hi_its_ryan
shouldnt he uninstall his gfx and sound drivers, then reinstall the motherboard/chipset drivers?

MAYBE, but not likely.
Checked AGP texture acceleration and it was enabled. This is really strange, and annoying. Thinking about reformating and trying it all again.
Originally posted by ec_hern
Checked AGP texture acceleration and it was enabled. This is really strange, and annoying. Thinking about reformating and trying it all again.

If you decide to do a format, install in this order:

1.Windows Updates
2. Chipset Drivers
3. DirectX
4. Video card drivers
5. Misc drivers and other software.