9800pro flashed to XT hows Doom3?


Jul 22, 2004
I was wondering something...If you have a 9800 pro flashed to an XT will you have the artifact problems that Carmack spoke of with Oc'd GPU's and Doom3? I suspect you will but if anyone has any first hand experience let me know.

I had my Pro flashed to XT speeds, not the XT Bios - at those speeds (which are still listed in my sig), I experienced "snow" - randomly flashing white dots on the screen while the game engine was in use - and only in Doom 3. Everything else, including Far Cry, ran with no problems.

I originally believed the problem to be memory related. This was proven to be incorrect. It is the core overclock that results in the "snow" problem that so many are seeing. I underclocked my core back down to Pro speeds and re-overclocked my memory to XT speeds and have been fine since - no artifacting or "snow".
Thanks for the info jhtevans. Anyone using the XT bios on a 9800pro having any problems?
I am using a saphire 9800pro w/ XT bios without any trouble. Doom runs great at 1024 and high detail.
alexik01 said:
I am using a saphire 9800pro w/ XT bios without any trouble.

I tried several XT bioses with my Sapphire 9800 Pro 128MB Atlantis card and everytime I loaded a 3D app there was artifacting. I got a bad card, still happy with it though - restored original bios and everything is fine. But if you see my sig, it's no wonder I got artifacting, even though I have a VGA silencer :(.
Andrew87 said:
I tried several XT bioses with my Sapphire 9800 Pro 128MB Atlantis card and everytime I loaded a 3D app there was artifacting. I got a bad card, still happy with it though - restored original bios and everything is fine. But if you see my sig, it's no wonder I got artifacting, even though I have a VGA silencer :(.
The Atlantis cards are the 128bit memory bus cards arent they? If so, that could be the reason why your XT mod doesnt work... XT cards use a 256bit bus if i am correct?
i never saw 128bit 9800pro but heard about it, wat do they look like, do they have I-shaped mem? maybe u can mod 128bit 9800se to 128bit 9800pro. :)
ATI Tool says I'm 256bit. I actually think my card (bought brand new) could be refurbished or something like that. Don't know if anyone remembers the Komplett fiasco over the 9800 Pro 256MBs being misspriced? I set up an appeal forum and we put all our ideas together, wrote to various places (even made it onto the Inquirer). In the end Komplett gave in (despite very rude e-mails at first stating that they would not do so). They said they could offer us the cards at £195 instead of the advertised £130 (still a £200 saving). Eventually someone suggested a 128MB version at £130, a few days later Komplett said that they struck a deal with Sapphire and could offer us 128MB 9800 Pro's at £130 - each company taking a 50% hit on the profits.

When my card arrived, the box was not shrink wrapped (at least I don't remember it being so) and I think the tape which keeps the card in the antistatic bag looked like it had been previously opened (but then again the tape wasn't large anyway, so it wasn't really easy to tell). However, everything else looked in perfect condition, not a single mark on the box, the instruction manual was perfect, not a single bent page etc so I presumed everything must be ok.

Komplett made it very clear that at the start they would not honour the deal, either they were scared of the negative publicity or possible action against them for breaching the Data Protection act (the cancellation e-mail had everyone's e-mail addresses in the To header) so they compromised with us. Can't think why Sapphire would take the drop in profits with them unless they were selling us B grade stock or refurbished cards or something?

Anyway my card works great at stock speeds (and even slightly overclocked with the VGA Silencer) and I got it £200 cheaper than retail at the time (around October) - overclocking is never guarenteed anyway and I didn't really expect an XT bios to make much difference.

That's just my story anyway, I'm sure the card was brand new although I can't think of any better reasons for my miserable overclock. Hopefully you'll all have better luck :).
The Atlantis name in itself doesn't mean 128 bit memory bus. I bought a "lite retail" sapphire 9800p from newegg and the box says "Radeon 9800 Pro Atlantis" but it is a real 9800Pro. Actually it came with the R360 core on the XT pwa. I flashed with the sapphire XT bios and it runs Doom 3 flawlessly. Although, I can only go to 1024x768 medium quality and keep totally smooth gameplay. On high quality it would get jerky when loading new areas, or with more than 2 enemies on the screen. 800x600 high quality gives a higher timedemo1 score than 1024 med, (51 fps vs. 48fps) but I think the higher resolution looks better than high quality. If I had a gig of memory I could probably play high quality smoothly.
i have a MBA Radeon 9800 Pro 256 flashed to XT. I use radlink to further oc my gpu/mem to 425/378(x2). This is my max w/out artifacts in D3. Other games i can go a bit further...
Using an XT bios on my Pro with no problems whatsoever. Doom 3 runs just dandy.