9700pro < ?


May 6, 2003
Just out of curiousity, would an nvidia 6600 series card perform similiarly (or hopefully faster than) a radeon 9700 pro? I already know that a 6800gt or ultra will wipe the floor with it, but how about the mid range card?

edit - or how about a base 6800 aswell?
a 6600 will be way faster thent hat 9700 and a 6800 will be faster to
The 6600GT will beat the 9700 Pro in most cases (the 6600 probably won't, what with half the pipelines of the 6600GT/R9700Pro). It's a decent winner in OpenGL, but it doesn't "wipe the floor with it" for DirectX games until you hit 1280x1024, IMO, so it depends on what resolution you run your games at. If I owned a 9700 Pro, I'd consider a 6600GT a minor upgrade, and when replacing a part that expensive, I don't do "minor upgrades". I went from a Radeon 9700 (clocked to Pro) to a 6800NU, and there was an increase, more in some games, less than others, but while it was certainly faster, it didn't blow me away. I've since gone to an X800XL, and found that to be quite a bit more upgrade. The Radeon 9700Pro plays most current games quite well still, so unless you have a budget for a $250 graphics card or higher, I probably wouldn't buy (for less, a faster CPU or more RAM might help more, depending on what your system specs are).

If you plan to stay AGP, a used 6800GT is probably the best bet since there's a lot of them out there (this is assuming you game only with your computer and don't do much video playback, I find ATI's cards to be quite a bit better for that), and it's a cheaper option in many cases used than a new X800XL AGP. If you are upgrading to PCIe, I think the X800XL is a better choice, it will be cheaper than a 6800GT in most cases.
Keep your 9700Pro unless you upgrade to x800xl/6800gt or more. There just isn't enough of a performance increase to warrant an upgrade :)
LoneWolf said:
The 6600GT will beat the 9700 Pro in most cases (the 6600 probably won't, what with half the pipelines of the 6600GT/R9700Pro). It's a decent winner in OpenGL, but it doesn't "wipe the floor with it" for DirectX games until you hit 1280x1024, IMO, so it depends on what resolution you run your games at. If I owned a 9700 Pro, I'd consider a 6600GT a minor upgrade, and when replacing a part that expensive, I don't do "minor upgrades". I went from a Radeon 9700 (clocked to Pro) to a 6800NU, and there was an increase, more in some games, less than others, but while it was certainly faster, it didn't blow me away. I've since gone to an X800XL, and found that to be quite a bit more upgrade. The Radeon 9700Pro plays most current games quite well still, so unless you have a budget for a $250 graphics card or higher, I probably wouldn't buy (for less, a faster CPU or more RAM might help more, depending on what your system specs are).

If you plan to stay AGP, a used 6800GT is probably the best bet since there's a lot of them out there (this is assuming you game only with your computer and don't do much video playback, I find ATI's cards to be quite a bit better for that), and it's a cheaper option in many cases used than a new X800XL AGP. If you are upgrading to PCIe, I think the X800XL is a better choice, it will be cheaper than a 6800GT in most cases.

I am aware that either of these cards will not be a huge leap, but i want some performance for linux. However, the recent apple switch may change that (if i can run OSX on my PC, then this little switch may not be necessary since apple has been using ATi cards aswell). I guess ill see what happens...
I upped my 9800 pro to an x700 pro and i do see performance increases. Not much to brag about with stock speeds though. I'm glad the x700 pro overclocks like a beast :cool: , go with something that overclocks well, unless ur not up to sliding a lever in powerstrip or coolbits ;)