9600xt vs. 9800pro


Limp Gawd
Jun 30, 2003
Ok, so i've run into some money, and im looking to upgrade my computer. As of now, i will be getting more ram and a new video card. My question is, for the price difference will i see any great performance with a 9800 pro 128mb over a 9600xt 128mb?
yes going from 9600xt to 9800 pro you will see almost double the performance in alot of game benchmarks. I'd go for the 9800 pro, it's worth it.
That is exactly what I am doing. I had a 9600XT about two weeks ago and I havea 9800pro coming tomarrow. yay!!! :p
wow, thanks for the fast replies... looks like ill be placing a new egg order pretty soon... thanks again
[hint] MSI radeon 9800 pro wiht the xt core, clocks to XT speeds with stock cooling only $199 [/hint}
Another [hint] STAY AWAY FROM THE SAPPHIRES [/hint].

They have a 128bit interface.