9600 aiw pro or xt?


Limp Gawd
Mar 2, 2004
ok im getting ready to get a shuttle system and my budget is 800$

its basically gonna be my back up system or a home theater pc. should i get the 9600 pro AIW? or the 9600 XT AIW?
Get the PRO. The XT is more marketing than anything else. Its got some faster clock speeds, but its basically the same thing as the pro. Save the cash, take your girlfriend out on a date :)
thanks for the Advice. and the whole GF part. i have my seperate only little budget for her.lol :p
If your doing a HTPC, you may want to find a seperate card that has a hardware encoder/decoder for MPEG. The AIWs use software encoding/decoding.
If anything, I like the XT because it comes with the Remote Wonder 2, which is nicer. Otherwise, it's all the same I guess. If I was building an HTPC, I'd just get like a 9000, unless I was doing gaming on it.
Originally posted by stub
If anything, I like the XT because it comes with the Remote Wonder 2, which is nicer. Otherwise, it's all the same I guess. If I was building an HTPC, I'd just get like a 9000, unless I was doing gaming on it.

The PRO comes with the Remote Wonder 1, and a coupon for a free Remote Wonder 2.
Originally posted by Trekster
The PRO comes with the Remote Wonder 1, and a coupon for a free Remote Wonder 2.

whoa it does?

thats frickin awesome :)