8800 GTX - Can this card still do dithering?


Limp Gawd
Dec 29, 2004
The topic name says it all.

Slightly older games use dithering. Without it they look a bit odd especially in shadowed areas.
I don't believe it can dither with 16-bit color modes. So, old 16-bit games look pretty messy.

Par for the course, I suppose. Without destruction, there can be no progress. It's unfortunate, but you might want to consider building a separate rig for vintage gaming.
Anything old enough to use dithering is old enough to use Win98, and that brings a whole other set of issues to the table.

For a long time I had a 1Ghz Athlon with a 3DFX Voodoo 3 3500 16MB that I kept around for just this purpose -- Mech Warrior 2 and Heavy Gear, for the most part, games I still love and can't get to work in Vista or XP -- but the motherboard fried, took my chip with it, someone borrowed the Voodoo 3 indefinitely... a sort of slow, unplanned, totally unprofitable parting-out. I still miss it sometimes, when I'm wrestling XP or Vista to run something older at all, much less properly.
Thanks for the replies. Well I still have some older parts around that I could put together in a comp for older games.AGP vid card too. I guess that is the only way short of having 2 vid cards in one comp (one new generation and one older vid for dithering) and switch back and forth between them depending on what game you are playing. Supposedly this works. That is if the game will run on XP and even Vista which I don't have yet.

lol @ Mental image of guy with whip going "FOLD DAMN YOU!" and macs cowering in a corner...

you need to go outside more...


as i always say.. "macs, pfft"

and yes, i really do look up to myself as a roll model. dont judge me, the bible tells you not to