800-Year-Old Mobile Phone Left Behind By Aliens Found In Austria

I love how the "Aliens" were advanced enough to have a mobile phone 800 years ago, but were somehow still reliant on a base 10 numbering system keypad + a # and * keys ages before they would need any of that to navigate a call center menu system in India or Redmond.
i cant tell if this is real or not. i believe in God, atlantis, that perhaps people from our future went to the pass... but this is a little strange. it could be real, but strange.

Well if you believe in all those alread, go ahead and believe this hoax too! You have nothing to lose! :D
Not only that, Cuneiform is from Babylon (modern day Iraq), and this "phone" was found thousands of miles away in Europe.

Are you kidding?

First, the Aliens landed in Babylon, kicked ass and stole their language.
Then they made the phones.....actually copied the phones from Egyptians because they had better cell plans.

Then off they went to destroy Europe.

One guy traded his phone for sex.
C'mon Megalith...check the sources

YouTuber Paranormal Crucible uploaded a video showing an 800-year-old ancient mobile phone.

He sounds impeccable...
This only confirms that Sony Ericsson cell phones were reverse engineered from alien technology.
i would have thought aliens able to figure out the speed of light thing would be able to make a thinner phone. i bet if had pretty decent battery life tho.

What if they had access to minerals that are not native to earth and these minerals support space travel? Just saying, maybe their rocks are so good they had a much easier time getting to space then we did.

Just saying, people always try and transpose the alien experience over our own as a framework for conjecture.

Say to yourself ... "Outside the Box" ... and repeat. :D