7970 Crossfire Owners: Micro-stuttering?


Sep 30, 2006
If you run more than one 7970, please post your experiences with micro-stuttering (or the lack thereof) during gameplay. Note your resolution and the games you play so we can finally get to the bottom of this contentious issue!
Good thread, I was going to start this exact same to figure out too. I am moving from SLI 570s and want to go onto the red team. I had smooth sailing with driver support and good performance on my SLIs and I am wondering if 7970s have CFX issues like their older 6970 did. At least from what I read.
Hopefully there honest cause the last 2 card releases i bought everyone was saying "Oh its butter smooth!" NOT!
No eyefinity here but I have 2 7970's in xfire and I still needed to limit the fps in BF3 to 59.95 to resolve microstuttering same as my unlocked and overclocked 6950's. So yes, it's still there but the same fix applies for my system. Res 1920x1200. BF3 is the only game I'm currently playing.
No eyefinity here but I have 2 7970's in xfire and I still needed to limit the fps in BF3 to 59.95 to resolve microstuttering same as my unlocked and overclocked 6950's. So yes, it's still there but the same fix applies for my system. Res 1920x1200. BF3 is the only game I'm currently playing.

how do u limit frames? i have trifire 6870 and i get really bad stuttering in big fire fights almost like a slide show. all other games that i have tried so far are smooth cept for crysis 2 seems like from tri to cross fire no performace difference.
not supposedly, it does...its in the OSD settings, NOT in the main program settings...
how do u limit frames? i have trifire 6870 and i get really bad stuttering in big fire fights almost like a slide show. all other games that i have tried so far are smooth cept for crysis 2 seems like from tri to cross fire no performace difference.

Hit the "~" key in the game and enter: "gametime.maxvariablefps 59.95" minus the quotes. If it works you can make a cfg file to do it every time the game starts. I posted this fix in the PC Gaming section.. do a search.
OK tried the limiting the frames with vsync on and off still get stuttering. Multi Gpu has always given me problems last time i ever did multi gpu was with 7900gts lol and that was a mess never tried again till now feels the same.

Edit Updated my sig with my current system.
Prob help to mention what game and settings your using and prob the monitor res and refresh rate. Also i thought this was a 7970 owners thread, your sig shows 6870s which i believe people mentioned had reports of "micro stuttering". BTW.. 750WATT P/S with that rig? 3 cards? I'm thinking 1200WATT P/S.
Prob help to mention what game and settings your using and prob the monitor res and refresh rate. Also i thought this was a 7970 owners thread, your sig shows 6870s which i believe people mentioned had reports of "micro stuttering". BTW.. 750WATT P/S with that rig? 3 cards? I'm thinking 1200WATT P/S.

on the topic of microstuttering is why i posted. I ran a single 6870 on my 500 watt antec neo psu with out problems. 600 watt is minimum for cross fire 6870. I dont understand how from 1 card 500 watt 2 card 600 then 3 card i should go for 1200 watt? so with 600 in mind for crossfire i thought 750 for 3 should be ok. As far as settings everything is max with 2xaa at 1920x1200 bf3
on the topic of microstuttering is why i posted. I ran a single 6870 on my 500 watt antec neo psu with out problems. 600 watt is minimum for cross fire 6870. I dont understand how from 1 card 500 watt 2 card 600 then 3 card i should go for 1200 watt? so with 600 in mind for crossfire i thought 750 for 3 should be ok. As far as settings everything is max with 2xaa at 1920x1200 bf3

Well, twin 6870s is the max you can go (normally), since most HD6870 only have one CF finger. For triple, that would normally mean, at least, the HD6950.
No idea of the power pull from those cards but figured as much.. earlier today i was watching the WATTs with just 2 cards and the cpu/motherboard runing off 1 of my 1200WATT P/Ss and it was hitting 800WATTS in some areas in Vantage bench. I believe both of my runing 1200WATT P/Ss are uinsg a total of about around 1600WATTS on max load.

BTW since i dont have a sig setup its a Intel 990X with Quad GTX580 SLI.
I have stuttering in Skyrim with one or two cards regardless i guess it must be some driver problems regarding Skyrim.

Anybody else experience any stuttering in the game above?

I have 60 fps locked all maxed with single and x-fire but stutters...
I have stuttering in Skyrim with one or two cards regardless i guess it must be some driver problems regarding Skyrim.

Anybody else experience any stuttering in the game above?

I have 60 fps locked all maxed with single and x-fire but stutters...

I have stuttering also on Skyrim really bad on crossfire, if I use just one it has less stuttering but still stutters. I have to play it in window mode to play it smooth. I did find a fix to make Skyrim play in full mode when running in window mode. I guess we have to wait for AMD to move their butt for better drivers!:eek:
I have stuttering also on Skyrim really bad on crossfire, if I use just one it has less stuttering but still stutters. I have to play it in window mode to play it smooth. I did find a fix to make Skyrim play in full mode when running in window mode. I guess we have to wait for AMD to move their butt for better drivers!:eek:

Yeah i figured that out, disappointing since that's only game i play this days and it ran amazingly on my 580SLi, hope they fix it soon so i can go back to playing it, as it stands its unplayable in this state.
And you are right in window mode is perfectly smooth, but only one cards runs in window no x-fire,but still one card can hold 60fps all maxed so no loss there...
gamingarena23, yep when you run crossfire in window mode you are only using one card. I remember reading an article that Skyrim engine was a bitch to work with and how Nvidia closely worked with Skyrim devs to get sli and surround to work on this game. Hopefully AMD get their act together and start getting their programmers to have a closer relationship with game devs like Nvidia does.
No stuttering here with my two 7970's with BF3, Skyrim nor Witcher 2 in either single monitor or Eyefinity.
can the people who have problems report back once the new driver comes out?

it'll be interesting to have a record of a before & after for these new cards