7800GT Temp Question?


Limp Gawd
Mar 10, 2004
I've had my Evga 7800GT since this past January and never have had temp. problems with it until i moved into my new house this past weekend. Before my comp. was in my old houses basement where it was pretty much always cool. In this new house it's on the main floor because i'm waiting to have my basement finished. Now obviously i know the main floor of a house will be warmer then a basement......but my 7800 is reporting very high temps even when my thermostat for my house is set at 70-72 degrees.

I have changed nothing in my case besides the location of it. Now i use my Antec's cases temp gauges (those little wire things you can put on your cpu or graphics card) to report the temp. of my cpu and graphics card. The graphics card is reporting about between 58 to 62 celsius...which seems high to me (what is the typical threshold of this card?)......and i'm going to guess that it's actually really higher then that since the cases little temp. node is not even directly on the gpu...correct??? Also the reason i ask is only because my father-in-law was at my house while i was at work playing F.E.A.R. and the he said the comp. all of a sudden said it had a system failure due to overheating and it just shut down. When he tried to start it back up he noticed the Antec's fans were not spinning or lighting up. He showed me this when i got home from work....i turned on the comp and noticed not only were my case fans not spinning but my CPU fan was not spinning either!!! I shut it down right away, took things apart...blew some dust off, put it back together and everything just started up fine.....that's when i noticed the high temp on the graphics card...especially when i started F.E.A.R. up.

So i guess my question is.....is my only choice to
A. Move the comp. to the basement that's not finished yet (yuck)
B. Get an Artic Cooling fan
C. Both

any suggestions?...and about the Artic Cooling fan...do you think it will help enough?
or get a fan and blow air over the video card area , but those temps are fine. the default throttle down temps are around 120 celcius. But don't let it get that high obviously :p