6800gt - same fps no matter what

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Feb 11, 2006
Ok, so this is my first post and I appologise for it being a plea for help and all that, but I'm in dire need of advice

My current rig is as follows

P4 2.8E stock, Prescot core.. running at 60+ degrees c, (All of them run via this trend)
ASRock mobo, which supports the processor fully.
2x512MB pc3200 ram NOT in dual channel (board doesn't support)
6800GT @ stock

My problem is this.
Playing DOD source, I get 35 comfortable FPS throughout most of the game, settings:
ALL on high, apart from HDR/Bloom which is turned off.
16x af and 8xaa. Generaly playable, with spikes

So I was thinking I'd like it to be alot more thrilling and I'd like to be able to play it at high frames per second so that I can get the most out of it.

I decreased the settings for AA and AF to 0, all image quality to low and set to the lowest resoultion.. I'm getting 40 FPS

I'm running 1/8 the load or somthing stupid here, and I'm only gaining 5 fps? I don't see where I'm going wrong. It is the exact same with CS: S.

I've played NFS:MW at full res and full AA / AF and it looks great, and certainly a playable FPS - I'd judge around 30, which isn't so bad for a racing game.

My 6800GT is running on latest drivers (81.98), and I have not tried any others.

I don't see why I can't be raping through these games like a mad person, especially seing as my friend with a 5500FX can hit 80 frames on the same resolution.

Any ideas? I'm guessing CPU bottleneck, but I was just reading a thread where someone using a 6800GS was getting playable frames on a CELERON processor during F.E.A.R - I've not tried fear myself but it doesn't seem logical to me.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I scored 12k on 3dMark03 w/ a 6800 GT @ 400/1100 and a P4 2.4B Northwood at 2520 MHz, and 512 MB of DDR333.

Definitely make sure all your drivers are up to date, especially Intel's AGP GART stuff. You should be able to play DOD:S pretty much maxed out w/o any problem.
I was gonna suggest that perhaps the fps were capped on the game, but if youre having the same problem with css too then I have no clue.
I believe this is A CPU bottleneck. Your CPU will not let you go any higher, so no matter what you turn up, you cant get any higher FPS than what your CPU will limit you to :/
The latest NVidia drivers caused performance drops for me. 71.89 seems to be the best driver. Using any version higher wouldn't yield the same high performance as 71.89 did.

If you're out of options, it wouldn't hurt to give 71.89 a shot and see what happens.
Overclock the cpu. I have a 3.2 prescott @ 3.8 and its running at 63C full load.

Are you using the control panel or in-game settings? Maybe you've got the control panel set to something and it's overriding your in-game settings? So no matter what you change in-game, it doesn't make a difference?
as soon as i saw the title i thought "Cpu bottleneck".....OC it if you can't afford to buy a new one.

Try rebooting, it sounds stupid but CS:S has been extremely picky with me (and others) since the Dec. 21 update.
I'm going to give some new drivers a shot, but i've replied in the post linking to this (in Video Cards) section.

I'm now getting 40-70 in cs:s with 8x aa and 16x af, it looks bloody amazing.

I dropped CPU temp, added ram and got a branded PSU.

Check the sig for specs, and tell me what driver's you've found best please.

I was told 77.77 by someone but I'm not sure.
cpu bottleneck? my ass.

I ran 60+fps with the same settings with my P4 1.8 and 6800GT
Reinstall windows, then follow this...

Dx9 -> chipset drivers -> video drivers

then run the games again
I believe this is A CPU bottleneck. Your CPU will not let you go any higher, so no matter what you turn up, you cant get any higher FPS than what your CPU will limit you to :/. . .other people saying the same thing. . .
cpu bottleneck? my ass.

I think these are both true; Source games are particularly CPU intensive. Turning off all the rendering goodies just removed some of the work that the CPU didn't even know was going on, and made things less pretty.

I also think Schpanky is quite right with the conclusion I'm assuming he's come to: you're running too much garbage. Your CPU doesn't have enough clock time to spare for gaming. Time for some uninstall/ reinstall action.

There are plenty of registry cleaners, antiviruses and spyware removers that you could probably use. If you have all of them running on your machine all the time, there's another bad sign; here's the deal, while there is merit in "fixing" your build, there's a great deal more to be gained by a clean install. If you think that's the direction you're ready to go in, we'll help you back your information up. It's not hard, but it's ADD-inducing, and it pays to be thorough.
Zorgonatis said:
I'm going to give some new drivers a shot, but i've replied in the post linking to this (in Video Cards) section.

I'm now getting 40-70 in cs:s with 8x aa and 16x af, it looks bloody amazing.

I dropped CPU temp, added ram and got a branded PSU.

Check the sig for specs, and tell me what driver's you've found best please.

I was told 77.77 by someone but I'm not sure.

Here's a link to your other thread. Go with that one to avoid duplicate posts across multiple forums.

gl :)
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