670 quite a bit bigger than 448/570


Jan 16, 2011
You guys might want to buy small edition after I got card. Wish I did. I am having hard time with fitment. Can't install until I get water block due to HDD in the way and long ass fan hanging off back.:(


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I'd just send it back and get the Asus.

Or if you want a shorty the MSI has voltage control.
Sonda I don't know what to think about short cards. Half mem is on back meaning waterblock, whenever it comes won't be able to cool it. My case has no air flow, I have no fans so only way card gets cool is from a waterblock. Maybe I cant OC mem at all buying those short cards

Then, Asus in non reference. Meaning they will never make a block for it. Basically I'm stuck - I will wait for my gtx680 block and put it on gigabyte above since it uses gtx680 PCB
No way man. My case is fucking awesome yellow wave master. Had it since my first computer and I've done a lot or work to it to make it perfect. cut it, Got two rads in it's small shell. Sound proofed it. etc.
Measurement in inches like someone else asked?
According to the specs on new egg the gigabyte card is

11" x 5.4" x 1.7"
heh.. title is misleading.. Should read "680 quite a bit bigger than 448/570" being as the gigabyte 670 uses the 680 PCB.
That's why I'd rather the OP measure it himself, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.
you bought a 670 on a 680 pcb and didn't know it was going to be longer?