64bit Article

I just got a chance to read both the articles. I definately agree with the second one. I also felt like the first one was glazing over AMD as much as possable to promote Intel. The whole thing just "felt" wrong, like it was narrow minded and should not have been writting on a tech webpage.

Way to go Chris, great article.
When I read the first article, I felt the writer was not quite objectional. Not only did he leave out things (A64 3000+), he scewed what "facts" he had.
Originally posted by DocFaustus
I also felt like the first one was glazing over AMD as much as possable to promote Intel.

In my defence the title of the article was "What does 64-bit x86 mean for Intel", hence AMD was glazed over as you put it, it was a look at how I thought the change was going to affect Intels desktop, workstation and server strategies, not a comparison to the Athlon 64. It was an attempt to be topical.
Had I been writing an article on the merits of Intels 64-bit systems against AMD's then I'd have needed examples of both and right now all I have at my disposal is of course an AMD chip, in this case a 64 3200+ which is a superb processor.

After reading Chris's rebuttle I was more than willing to accept that my initial article has its short comings, however I do believe that it belongs on a tech webpage.
Hahaha, well, I'm getting taken to task in the Intel forum over it...
Gotta say I've found the comments about mine a bit harsh, but then I would say that having written it. I think some people in here have missed the point slightly and seen the word Intel like a red rag to a bull.
Bah, it was a good article, well thought out ideas aren't always right. My uncle's Ph.D thesis turned out to be wrong, but he still go the degree...
Very nice rebutal to SLee over in the Intel forum. Hit the money on that one. The opteron is clearly a threat to Intel and its line of Itanium, Xeon and P4s. I think the only ones who dont want to see it are in fact Intel and the alotted "fanboys" themselves. Well let them scoff at the Opteron all they want. I say Intel need watch their step.
Thornburn and Morley: Look at it this way, at least some one is reading it. You two have written something that has generated at least a little buzz around here. Regardless of opinion, that's something worth taking note over.
I like the 2nd article but then again that's why I'm here in the AMD forum :D. Kudos to you both, both articles are well written.
Well written gents. You seem to have generated some sting over at the Intel forum Morley :D Apparently some people dont want to see the truth. That the Opteron can and DOES compete with the Itanium also.