5870s going for 300+ on ebay...time to sell?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 27, 2005
Just wondering what people think...is it worth to sell the 5870 and buy a 6950 and have a little cash leftover? Or wait a month or two and hope for an awesome deal on a 6970 or 580? I'm torn...
are they selling for 300+? if someone will buy it for 300+ get rid of that thing today!!! you could buy a 6950 and put some money back in your pocket.
are they selling for 300+? if someone will buy it for 300+ get rid of that thing today!!! you could buy a 6950 and put some money back in your pocket.

Yup, after looking at a few auctions they are definitely going for over $300. And those are non-xfx cards too which dont come with transferable warranty...soooooooo

I figured with $17 fee from ebay and I can charge around $12 for shipping I'd get around $295 for my card in my pocket. If all went to plan of course...
Why are they selling for so much on ebay? Are bitcoin miners buying them up?
No idea, maybe people wanting to do crossfire?
I hate bitcoin. I sold my 5970 for $580 a couple of weeks ago now they're going for over $900 :(. Though if I knew about bitcoin at the time I probably would have kept it, and made that much in less than two months anyway.
bitcoin? WTF does a virtual currency have to do with the second hand price of a tangeble good?

I have a HIS 5870 that I may unload if I can get a 6950 and put some coin back in my pocket.
Wow this sounds like a great time to cash in on my Crossfire 5870's, XFX and reference model. I still have boxes + all accessories.
I hate you. Why would you make a thread like this? It just further inflates the price of these cards.
bitcoin? WTF does a virtual currency have to do with the second hand price of a tangeble good?

I have a HIS 5870 that I may unload if I can get a 6950 and put some coin back in my pocket.

What I have read about bitcoin, it's a bit like folding except the points are virtual coins and you can trade the coins for real world currency. The current exchange rate is something like $30 per coin and some beastly rigs can get more than a coin a day.
What I have read about bitcoin, it's a bit like folding except the points are virtual coins and you can trade the coins for real world currency. The current exchange rate is something like $30 per coin and some beastly rigs can get more than a coin a day.
wha? really?
This is insane, I wish I dove in on this when bitcoins were dirt cheap. Profit now by selling? Or gamble my cards and try bit mining myself?
Can't wait until bitcoin hits national mainstream media. They might start trading in real markets.:p I might pick up a 5870 myself. ;)
Can someone explain in english and very simply what bitcoin is? Don't link the wikipedia page because I've never read a more convoluted piece of gobblty gook in my life.
Some of my friends are probably the ones driving up the prices. One friend just paid 350 for a pair of used 5850's for his "mining rig". I actually just mine with my 6950 and pull good rates. The way i see it is i did not have to invest anything other then the cost of energy while everyone else is tripping allover themselves build rigs that will take weeks (maybe less at these crazy exchange rates) to become profitable.

Sell your 5870... buy a 6000 series enjoy, and mine if you want to.
These bitcoins do have "real value", i traded one for a copy of shugon 2 and another for a copy of windows 7. lol
as soon as the RMA 5870 HIS is sending me gets here next week i'll be putting it up on the auction block.
I started my auction at $1 less than 12 hours ago and it's already at $182.50 lol! :D
The bitcoin thing wont last. I thought about doing it with my 5850 but running this card that hard for months straight isnt really worth it to me without the guarantee that the bitcoins will still be worth money a few months from now.
The bitcoin thing wont last. I thought about doing it with my 5850 but running this card that hard for months straight isnt really worth it to me without the guarantee that the bitcoins will still be worth money a few months from now.

hopefully it lasts long enough for me to sell my 5870 at a ridiculous price!
The bitcoin thing wont last. I thought about doing it with my 5850 but running this card that hard for months straight isnt really worth it to me without the guarantee that the bitcoins will still be worth money a few months from now.

Well with my 6950 I made 3.6 bitcoins from last thursday. So in 6 days I made ~$108. That's already more than half of the price of the card. (I really hate myself for selling my 5970 lol).
With my luck I'll run my car dinto the ground, make a good bit of coin, then the bottom will drop out. My card is aging as it is. Maybe if these things are still actually selling when I upgrade, I will put this one to work mining until it blows.
Most mid- to high-end 58xx series are the ones miners are targeting. So if you have a 5830, 5850, 5870, or 5970 you're in luck.

Though the 5770 also mines a decent ~200 Mhash/s. Something also to look forward too. :D
Never even heard about this before untill now, checked some youtube vids of it Dayum its litterly free money, there has to a be a catch to this somewhere it seems too good to be true?
Expensive hardware, you will be paying a higher electric bill, more strain on hardware. Not really "free", but close.
I should put up my old 14.4k modem on ebay for $200. That way I could say they are going for $200.
It isnt too good to be true. The catch is that the price on these coins is going to drop dramatically as more and more people figure out there is money to be made, TONS of people have a powerful enough rig to mine for these things and as it catches on, supply will deflate the value.

What I DONT understand is why the 58xx cards are sought after for this.
the 5870 has 1600 stream shaders -- the more shaders, the more valuable.
put a 5870 up for $300 this morning and it just sold.

5870 has more stream processors than 6970s, which is perfect for mining, that's why all the bitcone miners want them.
hehe yeah bitcoin going crazy, mining with 4 * 5870's = just over 2.4 BTC a day = 70 bitcoins a month = $1700 a month. This is pool mining btw solo mining u might luck out with 100-150 coins or none at all, also got 30 5830's I'm sitting on when stock runs out :)
has anyone seen this craigslist add?


Thanks for your interest in my ad. Here are further details:

This is essentially a trade of my money for your electricity. You buy the video card, and I pay you to use it in my distributed computing project when you are not using your PC. The amount you pay for electricity is probably the biggest factor in whether this deal makes financial sense for you.

I will pay you $120 ($15/month for 8 months) to buy ANY Radeon 5770 card. If you want a nicer card, I'll pay you $240 to buy a 5870, or I'll pay you $360 to buy a 5970 (although the 5970 costs $600, so it wouldn't be free to you).

To qualify, you must have a Windows PC which can use this card, and which is always on and connected to the internet. You must install some software which will use the card when the PC is not in use, and you must also be willing to live with fan noise when you are not using the PC and my software is using the card.

Once your card is working for me, I will pay you $15/month (for the 5770, $30 for 5870, $45 for 5970) via PayPal to run my software. After eight months, the deal is done, and you have your money back and your free card. If I am still interested in using your card at that point, I may offer to continue paying you for use of your card at a new rate.

Each month is paid in advance. That means you get your first payment as soon as I see that my software is doing work on your PC. If you more need reassurance before installing my software, I can send you a $5 down-payment before you actually start running the software, but to get that you must first send me a scan of your photo ID and a bunch of specific photographs and screen-shots to prove that you are for real. Ask me for details if you want to go this route.

i wounder if this is what this person was doing?
Thread has convinced me to put my 5850 to use. Any advice on how to join a pool?
has anyone seen this craigslist add?


Thanks for your interest in my ad. Here are further details:

This is essentially a trade of my money for your electricity. You buy the video card, and I pay you to use it in my distributed computing project when you are not using your PC. The amount you pay for electricity is probably the biggest factor in whether this deal makes financial sense for you.

I will pay you $120 ($15/month for 8 months) to buy ANY Radeon 5770 card. If you want a nicer card, I'll pay you $240 to buy a 5870, or I'll pay you $360 to buy a 5970 (although the 5970 costs $600, so it wouldn't be free to you).

To qualify, you must have a Windows PC which can use this card, and which is always on and connected to the internet. You must install some software which will use the card when the PC is not in use, and you must also be willing to live with fan noise when you are not using the PC and my software is using the card.

Once your card is working for me, I will pay you $15/month (for the 5770, $30 for 5870, $45 for 5970) via PayPal to run my software. After eight months, the deal is done, and you have your money back and your free card. If I am still interested in using your card at that point, I may offer to continue paying you for use of your card at a new rate.

Each month is paid in advance. That means you get your first payment as soon as I see that my software is doing work on your PC. If you more need reassurance before installing my software, I can send you a $5 down-payment before you actually start running the software, but to get that you must first send me a scan of your photo ID and a bunch of specific photographs and screen-shots to prove that you are for real. Ask me for details if you want to go this route.

i wounder if this is what this person was doing?

Something similar has been brought up before. Check this thread out:

Bitcoin isn't complicated, you may as well join a pool and do the mining yourself.
i want to see actually ended sales that close at 300+, cuz sure they could be listed at that price but if people are buying at that price that'd really be something

good luck to you guys, ebay is so flakey sometimes