512MB GTX numbers & Pics

So is this like an "anti-paper launch" having the product in stores before it's announced!
trinibwoy said:
Well ZZF did take down their page ;) Can't you stop hating for just one sec?

LOL. There's no doubt these are in stores. Deal with it. :D
fallguy said:
If you Pay attention Mwave is selling them starting today. Apperantly they got like 20 XFXs in. As for other Sites ZZF posted it but then took it down.

AT once did a short about them going to a big web reseller that had a palet full of different manufacturers versions of the 7800GT sitting in a cage locked up waiting for the NDA to drop to start selling them. Mwave might have had some idiot new receiving manager working today and didn't fully realize what he just recieved and enter them into available stock which triggered the web entry. Or Like ZZF just had a webmaster who didn't know better create the page and upload it before the NDA was over. I just hope for Mwaves sake their wasn't malice in this because they might not become part of the Hard Luanch package if they keep doing this.
PRIME1 said:
So is this like an "anti-paper launch" having the product in stores before it's announced!

Well it was supposed to go on sale next week. IDK how that guy got ahold of it, but it looks like nVidia has this instant hard launch thing down.
Shameless Liar said:

Well it was supposed to go on sale next week. IDK how that guy got ahold of it, but it looks like nVidia has this instant hard launch thing down.
Mwave.com has them now ready for shipment/pickup $799.99
For $650 you can get a GT CO setup... :rolleyes: . Unless this card spanks GT SLI, I see no reason to pay that much for one card.
Man seeing $800.00 makes 650.00 look like a bargan.. Cant wait till monday.. :D No step up for me. I dont think i can wait for the mail in return time :(
I've been following this but it seems he can't run 3dmark because of driver issues where it needs a new driver to run properly. I wish someone would suggest he try 81.87 since the 81.85 is what he has on the disk. They are saying he may have to wait for new drivers. :eek: Either way only 4 days after ATI's launch. This is bad if your a hardcore ATI fan but if you are open to anything then I would watch this close and if the performance is unbelievable I'd get a refund on the ATI X1800XT card if possible. Possibly wait for a X1850XT reply in the next 20 days or just get this one.
Well sorta but not really, my post is more about how the Inquirer (who gets alot of crap in these forums) was right. Completely right. They actually have been right on the $ lately. :D
Intel, they were right that the card was coming, that it would be clocked very high, at or above 550mhz and Ram speed rating, As far as performance that has yet to be shown but who knows.

They were the first in the world to bring this story to the masses. They deserve a Nod for a reliable story.
Wonder what the price tag will be? $550-$600?

I think XFX could have done a better job on the overall look of the card.
RaceFace[CS] said:
Wonder what the price tag will be? $550-$600?

I think XFX could have done a better job on the overall look of the card.

The price is WAY out there right now. As much as $800.00 but I guess that's the premium you pay for getting the card so early. Some people paid $750 for a X1800XT (only to see it drop to MSRP $549.99 and then get bumped up to a new MSRP of $599.99) and got it a few days early. I expect that by xmas (hopefully before) it will set right at the same price as the X1800XT 512 MB.

As for the looks, I'll tell you that that cooler is Bad @ss. Pics dont do it justice but I've had a Quadro 4500 in my hand and that cooler is the coolest looking thing I've seen on a card. ;)
I plan on ordering one toward the end of next week. I think (hope) by then enough venders will be sporting it so the price will drop close to the $600 point so I can still afford to get the 4400 x2 with it.

Fingers crossed :)
I bet it will drop down to 650 very soon when it comes out more available than just @ mwave or whoever.
Don't forget that those of you who are saying the Inq was dead on, that the Inq also predicted extremely limited availability on this part :(
Damn! My 7800GTX is no longer the top NVIDIA card, time for an upgrade (reaching into my wallet and pulling out the credit card...) :D
it will prolly be 650 when it launches on monday .. its just right now mwave is charging so damn much ..
Well, keep in mind the XFX has no delta, so that is equal to 540 in 256 MB flavor. And, the initial reviewer had to underclock the card to get any 3D apps running. This illustrates that the 580 (540 root with a delta) may be the edge that this card will support. If this is a factory OC card, then it is the equivalent of a 490/1300 in the 256 MB flavor. Do the same ratios, and we are looking at around a 480(520 net if delta is used) nVidia spec clock. So, the leaked spec of 470/1700 looks like it may be right, as well.
Lord_Exodia said:
The price is WAY out there right now. As much as $800.00 but I guess that's the premium you pay for getting the card so early. Some people paid $750 for a X1800XT (only to see it drop to MSRP $549.99 and then get bumped up to a new MSRP of $599.99) and got it a few days early. I expect that by xmas (hopefully before) it will set right at the same price as the X1800XT 512 MB.

As for the looks, I'll tell you that that cooler is Bad @ss. Pics dont do it justice but I've had a Quadro 4500 in my hand and that cooler is the coolest looking thing I've seen on a card. ;)

I think that it will be at $600 or lower 2 weeks from now. More specifically:

On Thanksgiving, you'll be able to buy a 7800GTX 512mb for $600.


And about the inq, I thought it was already established that they DO get things right occasionally, but that it's because they say so much that by pure luck they will get something right eventually. If you throw enough sh*t at the fan, some will go through eventually.
Xephian said:
I can't wait to see some benchmarks on this.

I wen through that thread

the guy played FEAR at 1600x1200 max Eye canda 4x/16x
ok I was wrong and missread that part =p the card played Fear at these setting but that well it seems :S

Digital Viper-X- said:
I wen through that thread

the guy played FEAR at 1600x1200 max Eye canda 4x/16x
ok I was wrong and missread that part =p the card played Fear at these setting but that well it seems :S


Looks like he had vsync on. His average (and obviously max) would be much higher if it wasn't.