4 blocks on one pump?


Limp Gawd
Jun 23, 2004
I'm currently building a computer room for water cooled QUIET operations (aka I don't want more power, just less noise). The idea is to cool 2 p4 based machines (3.06/533, 2.4/800) with Ti4600 ann FX5800 respectively using a single circuit. Danger Den Maze4 and TDX blocks, Eheim 1250 pump, 1/2 inch tubing. Since I want low noise I'm not cooling using a radiator but rely on a 55 gal reservoir (the machines usually don't run full time, and if my math is right the reservoir will only warm up by 10 C in 6 h.).
My question is - will the water be too warm when reaching the last block in the chain to still give sufficient cooling? Or do I plan on a radiator between the 2 machines, alternatively use 2 circuits with 2 pumps? Both solutions add to the noise :(
wouldnt cost much to just get another pump and a cheap radiator.
I would do 2 circuits and 2 pumps this way you have better flow however 2 rads would deal away with the 55 gal drum
That's a lot of flow resistance for a 1250. You won't be getting a whole lot water running through those blocks, and the TDX needs a decent amount of flow to perform well. You'd be better of with separate loops, or low resistance blocks, or blocks that perform well with low flow, or a more powerful pump.

Is the 55 gallon reservoir going to be in the same room as you?
You'd probably want another pump to get decent flow through the blocks..
i would strongly suggest 2 loops. thats a lot for 1 pump to handle.

i'm sure you could pick up a larger radiator and fit 2 120mm fan on it, and run them at 7v to make them even quiter. if you think that it too much noise then you're only other optoin would be to have the computers in a seperate room or something similiar
Thanks for the tips, looks like I'm going to use 2 pumps, or better, wire up only one machine at the beginning. One more question, am I better off using parallel or serial set-up, aka use Y-splitters or daisychain?
Oh, and the reason I'm using a large reservoir instead of a radiatior is that I can make the reservoir disappear in a large closet, not a good idea to do with radiators. Also, I figured radiators add to the load of the pump.
i would go with inline for the whole thing (however you will certainly need a bigger pump, an iwaki for instance). even with less restrictive blocks than the tdx the amount of tubing in that loop will not work well with the eheim. if you look at waterblock performance, the deltaT is relatively low, maybe 10 degC max on a cpu block. however, flowrate affects performance much more, and if you did parallel you would effectively be spliting your flow in half, which would make for much worse performance than just living with the hotter water in your loop. i would also recommend a rad/heatercore. get a big car one, and just run some slow (quiet) large fans at it.