3D Gamers - Post your experiences


Limp Gawd
Dec 11, 2006
Considering buying a 120hz monitor, thought it would interesting to hear a gamer's perspective before I take the plunge. Post your insights, amusements and grievances. Worth it?
I think Heatlessun is really the only 3D gamer around. Might try searching some of his posts to see if they answer any questions. He seems to like it.
Assassins Creed and First Templar are AWESOME in 3D.

I take it the immersion factor is there for you. Did you find it hard to adjust to 3D, was it distracting at all when executing moves, or does it simply compliment the experience?
Immersion is phenomenal..Not hard to adjust.Just make sure there is no ghosting(in your instance)and really does feel like the "world"is alive..Go for it!
Immersion is phenomenal..Not hard to adjust.Just make sure there is no ghosting(in your instance)and really does feel like the "world"is alive..Go for it!

I noticed you are using a 40" Samsung HDTV for your monitor. I'm actually picking up a Samsung PN51D550 3D plasma unit in the next few weeks and was somewhat unaware you could use it for 3D gaming. I read that there are a bunch of additional considerations (namely software) that are needed for functionality, how arduous was the process?
I played on the new LG Cinema TV display. That's one of biggest flops in 3D history I've ever seen. Effects are good... unless you move your head. If you reposition yourself on the chair, the 3D effects are disappearing, and you need to readjust tilt of display, or instead of one object on the screen, you see two of them :p

I'd rather stay with 3D Vision, then the passive 3d technology.
Using the 3D Vision on one of the 23" 120hz Acers...

So far I'd give mixed feedback. It looks excellent in some games and helps to breathe new life into them, but with others that simply weren't terribly great games to begin with - it's just doesn't add too much to the experience and generally doesn't do anything that will help you keep playing the game.

I haven't been playing anything on it recently, because I am in-between games. It doesn't do much for the RTS games I've played on it (though Men of War is fun because you can use the camera to get right down in the middle of the action and still play like that, as opposed to overhead views like Supcom and CoH that just don't do much to add to the 3D effect). FPS games are generally good, with source games generally standing out among them as the best implementation of the 3D effects (the crosshairs work, everything looks as it should, etc.).

Overall, I think the FPS and third person games, perhaps racing games may benefit the most from it. I could name specific games if you've got some to pick. It's not compelling enough of an experience where I will game on it 100% of the time, but it's worth checking out if you've experienced 3D and want to have that experience with your games.

I'd try to find a place that you can test it with for free before committing to a setup though. If you have a Frys around or something, they may have a setup.
I'm playing 3D PC games on my normal 3DTV (Sony 55HX800) using the Nvidia 3DTV Play plugin.

I've definitely enjoyed using it. FPS games like Crysis 2 and Far Cry 2 work great with it. Even adventure games like the Witcher 2 can, too.

I don't think it's the end-all-be-all, but it's a nice feature if you already have a 3DTV and an Nvidia card that can handle 720p.
To give a bit of balance to the discussion, I think you really need to try it before you buy it. For me, 3D in both games and movies adds little to the experience other than a few minutes of "that's kinda cool". I also think my eyes must compensate for 3D differently to most people because I haven't seen any form of 3D that didn't look either blurry or flickery (blurry at the cinema and flickery on TVs).

It really seems like something you either like or you dont, so you have to try it for yourself.