3400+ clawhammer running slow?


Jul 12, 2003
Hey guys, I have been looking for benchmarks that have around the same stuff I do, but I can't really seem to find many benchmarks for people that have not overclocked yet so it's kinda hard to compare speeds. I think my computer is running slower than it should.

I just bought a 3400+ Clawhammer (CG)
DFI lanparty nf3
PNY 6800 GT
1 gig of OCZ PC3200 platinum rev2 el 2-2-2-5 memory (ive made sure its running at 2-2-2-5 as well using CPU-Z)
74gig raptor
OCZ 520 watt PS
etc etc

In 3dmark05, I am only getting scores in the 4400 range?
Sandra says my memory bandwith is about 3000...
SuperPi takes 41 seconds (1M)

Nothing is overclocked. I am using XP SP1.

Any ideas? Are those numbers fast enough for my hardware? I thought I should have been closer to 5000, even without overclocking. Maybe I am wrong. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!
Those number sound about right. I got a 3200+ that I overclocked and i score about 4500 in the 3dmark 05 cpu test. The memory speed is dead on, non-oced ddr400 scores about 3 gig/sec, so it seems like everything is running fine. Also, anandtech review review shows the DFI board running slower than other boards at stock speeds, but it makes up for that with its ocing potential. also, you have the dfi board and ocz platinum rev 2, so why isnt it overclocked yet?
my 3200+ and my 6800gt oc'ed to 400/1.1ghz, i got about 4200 marks. i then updated to forceware 66.70 and oc'd my cpu to 2.4, and now i got 4897 marks.. your number seems about right
Thanks for the responses guys, I feel a lot better now. MetsFan, that is a good question! :D

To be honest, this is my first system that I really have a good possibility to overclock, and I am pretty overwhelmed with all the options. The part I am confused on right now is what the voltages and memory timings are supposed to be without screwing anything up. Earlier I tried running my FSB at 215 but I don't think my memory liked it because I had it set to 2-2-2-5 still in a64 Tweaker and windows got currupted. Oops :eek:
Here are my stats and are systems are somewhat similar.
05 scores:

Everything in my system is running at stock speeds, but that will change soon.... :D
My score was 4635
CPU: 4733