3200+ OC Problem


Dec 12, 2004
My 3200+ venice wont surpass 2.65ghz, this is my current setup:
3200+ Venice (2.5)
Asus a8n32-sli deluxe
1024 PC3200 Corsair Value Select
Turbolink 500W
Stock Cooler 42 full load, 32 idle
120gb 7200 WD
Windows XP Home 32

I tried increasing the voltage and it didnt work
Some Cpu-Z screenies:
Check at XS.Org for the best stepping for OCing. Your stepping may or may not be the culprit.
That's about the limit for those chips with standard air cooling. Mine maxed out at 2.67. You need water or a peltier to go higher but the money would be better spent on a dual core AMD or a new system with an E4300 if you really want a high overclock.
My 3200+ venice wont surpass 2.65ghz, this is my current setup:
3200+ Venice (2.5)
Asus a8n32-sli deluxe
1024 PC3200 Corsair Value Select
Turbolink 500W
Stock Cooler 42 full load, 32 idle
120gb 7200 WD
Windows XP Home 32

I tried increasing the voltage and it didnt work
Some Cpu-Z screenies:

hmm lower the mem devider and raise the V to 1.5 and oc more. u should at least get 2.8ghz @ 1.5V
That's about the limit for those chips with standard air cooling. Mine maxed out at 2.67. You need water or a peltier to go higher but the money would be better spent on a dual core AMD or a new system with an E4300 if you really want a high overclock.

lol so quick to say go intel huh
Sweet spot for a venice is 1.6v, but it might not be wise to do that on a stock cooler unless you have good airflow.

1.6v will get you into 2.8 and above. It's not worth frying your chip over though. You're not going to feel the difference between 2.6 and 2.8
..i tried putting memory at 133 (266) and fsb at 311x9, booted in to windows then crashed, i also tried putting voltage at 1.625, and i also tried memory at 266(333) and fsb at 280x10, and i still crashed, any help.. thanks for the effort
edit - and yes i made sure the HT Link was below 1000, most of the time around 800
Have you run Memtest86 to see just how fast your ram can go? Once you know that you can tailor your cpu oc to fit. Of course, your ram speed may be able to exceed your onboard mem controller's ability so its a push-pull. Hopefully you'll get a bit more than you have now.
Good luck and keep at it.
Mines started crashing at ~2.71ghz but stable at ~2.68, vcore was around 1.63, also had 1 gig of ram, got no clue bout timings though... but 2.65 is enough as sumone said you wont realy feel any difference, but still good luck.
ok look: I got a computer which is 754 amd64 3200 venice - which I dont use anymore, I tried to ocid but didnt do as good as on 939 ok, now peacedafaqout...
Have you run Memtest86 to see just how fast your ram can go? Once you know that you can tailor your cpu oc to fit. Of course, your ram speed may be able to exceed your onboard mem controller's ability so its a push-pull. Hopefully you'll get a bit more than you have now.
Good luck and keep at it.

will try this, thanks, im also considering raising my ram voltage
Just be happy you dont have a C0 Clawhammer like mine, its absolute garbage in the overclock department and can barely pull the extra 150 mhz I threw at it.
You can also work on loosening your memory timings, maybe try a cas latency of 3 instead of 2.5.
yea venice is supposedly the best ocer
i can try loosening timings too

thanks all