3080 HDMI signal dropping out sporadically


Apr 8, 2002
So today my video signal started dropping in an out while playing MW2 and eventually went out altogether.

Everything was still running in the background on the PC, I could hear myself moving around, etc, but couldn't see anything.

Now it's doing it in occasionally while browsing.

I reseated the card and checked the cooling fans and redid all of the connections, and updated the drivers, but it's still acting the same way.

Card is a EVGA 3080 XC3 and has otherwise been running fine in this system since 2021.

Any ideas?
Free and easy - use DDU in safe mode to uninstall your GPU driver (with the internet unplugged to keep windows from installing an old driver), reboot and install a previously working driver that you'd already downloaded (then plug your internet back in). This will help rule out your GPU driver being the issue.



If it still happens after a clean driver install, your hardware may be faulty. Testing a different monitor will rule out or confirm that the monitor is at fault, or testing your GPU in a different computer to see if the problem follows it will show if the GPU is the problem (friend, family, PC repair shop).
Did you upgrade to the a recent driver. I had the same thing happen to me recently. It start infrequently losing signal and need a reboot to get back the display. It effected all ports. Eventually as soon as windows started loading my display lost the image. I could hear everything loading just fine tho I had to nuke the windows and restart cause I couldn't get into windows. Since reinstalling windows everything has been fine again. This was on a EVGA 3080ti ftw3.
Thanks guys, I tried the troubleshooting steps you recommended but kept losing signal randomly.

I bought a new 8K certified HDMI cable and that seemed to resolve the issue.
If swapping out an HDMI cable solved your problems, then you might want to double check that your cable install isn't putting a bunch of unecessary stress on the connector (e.g. lots of cable slack putting weight on it, sharp cable bend due to being pressed against a wall/surface, etc). HDMI and DP don't just go bad unless they were super low quality to begin with, or unless they're physical damaged.
What event viewer error do you get? Mine was as follows turned out to be bad XMP profile and faulty PSU. My screen went black and powered down MW 2 tripped it.
Log Name: System
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
Date: 3/11/2023 5:07:05 PM
Event ID: 41
Task Category: (63)
Level: Critical
Keywords: (70368744177664),(2)
Computer: Dan
The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.
So today my video signal started dropping in an out while playing MW2 and eventually went out altogether.

Everything was still running in the background on the PC, I could hear myself moving around, etc, but couldn't see anything.

Now it's doing it in occasionally while browsing.
This was PSU issue with me.