2x1GB Corsair DDR2 upgrade

Stang Man

Jan 19, 2002
just upgraded 2x256MB in my 3.0GHz P4 LGA775 box to some 2x1GB Corsair DDR2 667 and man, the difference is awesome! I'm just loving the immediate noticable results

2GB for 180 bucks. can't go wrong there :D
Awesome, glad you like it!

Post some overclock results! heh.
ah, so you're the one who got that corsair rep job. i was sorta unofficially offered it, but i couldn't accept. people who know me know why :D
(cf)Eclipse said:
ah, so you're the one who got that corsair rep job. i was sorta unofficially offered it, but i couldn't accept. people who know me know why :D

Actually I work for Corsair, in Fremont, CA. So I'm not just a forum guy who got the job, I'm a guy who's worked there for over a year now who's supposed to try and help out on a few forums so people can ask me questions directly.
ah, i see, it's just a coincidence that you joined recently :D
it's nice to have reps here. i'll apologize beforehand though, we'll probably butt heads a lot over some matters ;)
(cf)Eclipse said:
ah, i see, it's just a coincidence that you joined recently :D
it's nice to have reps here. i'll apologize beforehand though, we'll probably butt heads a lot over some matters ;)

I won't butt heads, I'll just defend the best way to actually do what people are asking. Some people don't want tweaking or overclocking memory, I won't recommend they buy it. For most people value select memory is fine, some people like the high performance stuff, even if the performance difference is very small. For those people I'll answer their questions as well.
word, you're golden in my book then :D

i typically try to do the same, but i'll often misinterpret things :(