28" De-bezelled


May 7, 2007
I was looking through my collection of LCD screens for an eyefinity setup and I have a couple of hanns-g, hannspree and an i-inc 28" displays. They may not be the best for graphic design work, but I found them to excellent for games and I was thinking they would be great for an eyefinity setup but the bezels are too big. Has anyone seen what these monitors look like without their bezels? I have been googling for images of what they look like sans bezel, but haven't found anything. I am bit loath to strip the bezel off and find that they won't work or require extensive modification to work without the bezel.
if you have a collection of LCD screens then does it matter? :)
it is near impossible to find people who have actually debezelled their monitors.
so give it a go and post pics