2 DVI-I to VGA connectors 6800 u..I'm lost??


Necrophilia Makes Me [H]ard
Jun 22, 2003
Why would this be? Does it come with the adapter and why would it be like this?
JHefile said:
Why would this be? Does it come with the adapter and why would it be like this?
There is demand for dual dvi connectors(Makes sense since lcd's are smaller, there for the hit taken by having 2 on your desktop isnt so bad, I don't even think my desk can take two 22" crts), I'm pretty sure it comes with two adapters, I could be wrong though.
That's the case.

nVidia is going to get a lot of busines from us dual LCD folk that ATI is going to miss out on, simply because many of the nVidia manufacturers realize that dual DVI is a major selling point. And adding in a 2nd DVI/VGA adapter will still allow normal users to use VGA connections on 2 monitors.

Quite simply, this makes the Geforce line much more flexible than the Radeon line.

I'm giving up my 9800XT for a 6800GT as soon as Gainward and/or XFX release their Dual DVI versions.

I'd love to go with an x800....but no one at ATI feels that anyone using AGP should get dual DVI unless they go FireGL. Or so it would seem.
any card that has dvi these days will most likely come with a vga converter. and if they have dual dvi, im sure they will have two converters.
NecessaryEvil said:
That's the case.

nVidia is going to get a lot of busines from us dual LCD folk that ATI is going to miss out on, simply because many of the nVidia manufacturers realize that dual DVI is a major selling point. And adding in a 2nd DVI/VGA adapter will still allow normal users to use VGA connections on 2 monitors.

Quite simply, this makes the Geforce line much more flexible than the Radeon line.

I'm giving up my 9800XT for a 6800GT as soon as Gainward and/or XFX release their Dual DVI versions.

I'd love to go with an x800....but no one at ATI feels that anyone using AGP should get dual DVI unless they go FireGL. Or so it would seem.

Umm...the 6800 Ultras are gonna have a Dual DVI version, there are no plans for 6800 GT to have Dual DVI, dont think they will either cause its a niche market and people that can afford 2 DVI LCDs will buy the very best anyway.
Well, I got a PNY Geforce 6800U and it came with 2xDVI->Analog adapters. However, one of the big reasons i went with the 6800U is because of the dual DVI for my two 2001FP's :p
Cool....Two questions though: What are 2001FP's and how do you like the card!? And thanks to the rest who replied :)
NecessaryEvil said:
That's the case.

nVidia is going to get a lot of busines from us dual LCD folk that ATI is going to miss out on, simply because many of the nVidia manufacturers realize that dual DVI is a major selling point. And adding in a 2nd DVI/VGA adapter will still allow normal users to use VGA connections on 2 monitors.

Quite simply, this makes the Geforce line much more flexible than the Radeon line.

I'm giving up my 9800XT for a 6800GT as soon as Gainward and/or XFX release their Dual DVI versions.

I'd love to go with an x800....but no one at ATI feels that anyone using AGP should get dual DVI unless they go FireGL. Or so it would seem.

remember, 3rd party board makers can make whatever config they want, you may see some dual dvi x800xt's etc...
Hey VER, what drivers are the most stable for you? I am having some stability issues with the 61.34's. the 60.72's run pretty well though.
Heh, the 61.34's. Patiently waiting for an nVidia fix. Haven't tried any of the others. I've heard rumors of some 61.51's or some such.. But haven't tried anything else.
Yeah, it happens, but how long after the new generation hits before you see them?

You are exactly right, there ARE dual-DVI 9600 Pros. Released about the same time as the 9800 XT was! (IE., 6 months or so after the 9600 XTs were out!) And there were no 9700, 9800, or 9800 XTs with dual DVI.

That's all he was saying. ATI's choice of partners just don't seem to push dual-DVI as much.

(As to the 6800 with them....looks like Albatron's 6800 GT is dual-DVI. And while MSI's rev1 6800 GT is based on the reference GT design, word is the rev2 that will be out with their custom cooler on a red board will have dual DVI, as well.)
I see your point, but a lot of people wait to upgrade.Not everyone rushes out to buy the newest hardware as soon as it comes out. And since there is no built-by-ATI Dual DVI cards out there it's up to the 3rd party companies to answer that demand.To most buyers new tech is beneficial. New stuff comes out, old stuff lowers in price.