2 disk problem.. (system) on empty drive?


Aug 3, 2003
Ok so I have a WD 35gb Raptor and a 200gb Maxtor.

I had the Maxtor split into 3 partitions and windows is on the Raptor. When I go into manage to try and clear the partitions off the 200gb, it says one partition is the system drive and won't let me touch it. But there is nothing on it... help?
if the 200 did drive is pata it might have some windows boot info on it.
Yeah it is PATA. I looked at hidden files and there was nothing. Any way to fix this?
Try plain fdisk, that may work.

Or you could always get a knoppix boot cd and do something like "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=8k count=16" to completely wipe the header out. Make sure you get the right disk! ;)