2.1 VS 2.0 (Logitech vs M-Audio)


Limp Gawd
May 13, 2006
I am looking at a 2.1 or 2.0 setup for music. (Got AudioTechnica's far Gaming.)

I want one of these two or a similar set that someone can suggest. Thanks alot.


I would say for music get the m-audios but im not a fan of subs for listening to music. Plus thier cheaper by about $30 shipped.
Neither. Logitech quality is horrific, and the M-Audio monitors aren't ideal for general listening. If you're on a budget, my recommendation is to stick with Klipsch.
phide said:
Neither. Logitech quality is horrific, and the M-Audio monitors aren't ideal for general listening. If you're on a budget, my recommendation is to stick with Klipsch.

Maudio >> Klipsch
And those M-audios sound great for general listening have you heard a pair??
phide said:
Neither. Logitech quality is horrific, and the M-Audio monitors aren't ideal for general listening. If you're on a budget, my recommendation is to stick with Klipsch.

If you want to know my opinion, there will always be severe compromises for general music listening on the computer. (Unless you are willing to shell out the bucks for a separate amplifier or receiver and a good pair of bookshelf speakers which must be placed far away from the PC and too far apart for ideal stereo imaging.) The powered Klipsch speakers, especially the multi-speaker setups, are overrated IMHO. I've personally listened to their 2.1 and 5.1 setups, and none of them sounded coherent enough for music listening. The biggest problem with these setups is the big drop in audio response where the bass module crosses over into the satellites. And some such setups have their bass module overpowering whatever coming out of the satellites even with the sub's volume turned all the way down to their minimum setting. And most powered 2.0 setups are seriously deficient in bass response.
my roommate has a pair of the z-2300s and they sound really good. He really likes them, too. $70 shipped after rebate earlier this year
Cyrilix said:
Insignia NS-B2111 -- quite simply the best I've heard at that pricepoint.

Those are amazing little speakers, but you still need something to power them, and you'll miss a bit on the low end if you run them without a sub.

E4g1e said:
And most powered 2.0 setups are seriously deficient in bass response.

I've found this to be the case as well. Most seem like they start to roll off even as high as 100hz.
yes, the insignia defiantly lack the bass needed for games and movies. but for music, you cant get any better for the price. i would recommend the t-amp and the insignia's. later down the road, you can add a sub. this is going to be more expensive, but the sound quality will be worth it.

t-amp: http://www.thinkgeek.com/electronics/audio/6cd8/
currently out of stock
pfunkman said:
Maudio >> Klipsch
And those M-audios sound great for general listening have you heard a pair??
I haven't heard these particular monitors, no, but I've heard (and attempted to use) more expensive M-Audio monitors, and they don't fill either role adequately, in my opinion. As monitors, they excessively non-linear, and for general listening, they are equally deficient. It's my guess that bargain-bin M-Audio monitors would be even worse.

On the topic of the Insignias, they lack that visceral bass, but they're quite usable given that they're paired with the right amp. A T-Amp would work well, but a Super T-Amp, or an old Harman Kardon, Fisher or Marantz receiver might work better (R.I.P. Marantz 2240B).

The speakers themselves are a bit bright (which I like), but the rest of the spectrum comes through quite naturally. Bass response would improve with a couple minor modifications, but in all honesty, I never "missed" the bass. The right sub to pair these to would be something small and tight to add just a hint of what's missing in the mix.
Might just as well recommend my own 2.0 setup, ESI Pro nEar05 Experience.


I'll take the liberty of quoting the concluding remark and summary from the review in Sound On Sound's May 2006 issue:

"If your budget ceiling really is this low, then I can’t think of any better way to
spend your money."

ESI Pro Near05 Experience
• Inexpensive.
• Good imaging and a very detailed sound.
• Good bass extension for the size and price.
• As with any small speaker, the bass extension
may not be adequate to reliably evaluate some
types of music mixes, though the sound is still
tight and punchy at moderate listening levels.
As compact active nearfield speakers go, this one
offers all the essentials at a bargain UK price.

Can be had for 235$ in the US:


These speakers are virtually identical to the M-Audio Studiophile BX5a, but come at a much lower price.
Go for the Z-2300 set, great speakers. Had them before I decided to go for the Z-5500 Set :p .
AlmostEvil said:
yes, the insignia defiantly lack the bass needed for games and movies. but for music, you cant get any better for the price. i would recommend the t-amp and the insignia's. later down the road, you can add a sub. this is going to be more expensive, but the sound quality will be worth it.

t-amp: http://www.thinkgeek.com/electronics/audio/6cd8/
currently out of stock

Ok, thanks, I have looked at the T-Amp before but have not bought it. Say I buy the Insignia's Which T-AMP should I get the 140 dollar one or the 30 dollar one? Thanks

It looks like it is going to be the Z-2300s or the Inginias+amp.

Oh, I want to be able to plug in my headphones without reaching to the back of my case. Can some one link me to a 1/8th mini plug switch or something that will work for me Thanks

Two questions, the ones underlined.
BMWlover said:
Ok, thanks, I have looked at the T-Amp before but have not bought it. Say I buy the Insignia's Which T-AMP should I get the 140 dollar one or the 30 dollar one? Thanks

It looks like it is going to be the Z-2300s or the Inginias+amp.

Oh, I want to be able to plug in my headphones without reaching to the back of my case. Can some one link me to a 1/8th mini plug switch or something that will work for me Thanks

Two questions, the ones underlined.

Computer speakers vs. entry-level bookshelves -- I'd take the bookshelves. I've got a bunch of friends with Logitechs but they've never impressed me. As for an amplifier, it depends on how much you're willing to spend. I don't exactly know your budget for an amplifier, but if you can go as high as $200 or so, you may want to look at a half-decent stereo receiver as another option.

For your headphones, there is no solution unless you have a soundcard with front panel, an extension cord, or a motherboard front panel onboard sound option. The other method is if you have a dedicated headphone amp.
I'd take the bookself option just because the options it opens up in the future.
yes, for the amp/reciever, it all depends on your budget. if it is low (less than 50), then get the small t-amp. if it is near 200, then i would recommend a reciever. it opens up a ton of possibilities. also if u do get the reciever and its on ur desk in easy reach, most have a headphone jack on the front that you can get a simple adapter for.
Thanks for all the good replys. I think I will be going with the Insignias and the 30 dollar T-Amp. I would like someone to find something for me though. I want a mini stereo or 1/8th plug switch so I can switch between the phones and the speakers, can someone find this for me, I have looked all over but cannot find one. Thanks a lot
AlmostEvil said:
are these what your looking for? http://www.radioshack.com/family/in...dapter&fbn=Cable+type/Mini+jack+audio+adapter
note you can get these for cheaper, this is just an example

NO, I am looking for a switch that take two inputs(the miniplugs) and the gives me one output(miniplug), and allows me to select which source I want.

This type of selector but with miniplugs.

EDIT: I guess I could use some female miniplug to red/white connectors through a composite switch. (Last Resort)