1st Wordpress Theme Problems


Limp Gawd
Sep 5, 2011
I've been trying to build my first simple Wordpress theme and I've got it sort of working. I need to finish the CSS, but my main issue is that the home page is getting a gallery that should only be on the Artists page (it's on both). Basically all the info is being displayed on the home screen. I dont know if its a Wordpress setting or something wrong with the theme itself.

The link is: http://22twenty.com/wordpress/

Hope someone can help
If you're still having html problems, I feel bad for you son.

A few things i'd like to say,
1) Since you obviously can't be bothered to check im going to ignore your future comments. 2) You clearly don't understand fully or at all how wordpress themes work. 3) You didn't read the hole question as i stated it could be just as well a Wordpress setting... and 4) I never stated i was a master, its my 1st theme and i asked for some help.


And as a matter of fact there was nothing wrong with my theme it was a wordpress setting.

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A few things i'd like to say,
1) Since you obviously can't be bothered to check im going to ignore your future comments. 2) You clearly don't understand fully or at all how wordpress themes work. 3) You didn't read the hole question as i stated it could be just as well a Wordpress setting... and 4) I never stated i was a master, its my 1st theme and i asked for some help.


And as a matter of fact there was nothing wrong with my theme it was a wordpress setting.


Just ignor him !
I read your post and I also recall that this is the third time you have started a thread of this nature yet you still haven't taken on the advice from those previous threads (now who has poor reading comprehension?). So there is little point in people giving advice when you have no intention of taking it on-board (otherwise you wouldn't be having the same problems again).

Yeah I have experience with wordpress. But this is irrelevant as you are still not closing tags properly - this is vital to get the page to render (regardless on what tech you're using). Hell, you even managed to fuck up the html comments. :rolleyes:

Since you wish to do this professionally, but you fail to master the very basics - I do feel bad for you, this is the easy stuff!

Right, that's enough of my time wasted.
Could you post the solution?


What it was is in the Wordpress admin area. Go to Settings then Reading and if you have a static front page(not a blog), the post page was set to the home page so it was displaying everything on the homepage.

It was:


Now is:


Hope that helps