1st time playing on projector, OMG!! Pic included

Careful on the lightbulb. If somebody wants to game many hours per day on a PJ, I usually recommend a moderate resoultion DLP. You can usally get 4k hours out of those bulbs. $350 for 4000 hours is cheap.

Be careful...there is a big difference between buisiness class projectors, and home theatre class projectors, and it isn't it price...

it's in lumen output, color saturation, and uniformity of brightness....I would not ever suggest going with a business type projector for home theatre use.

Brighter isn't always better for home theatre - too much light output ruins black/gray shadow levels, and color saturation....Ideally for home theatre you want 800-1200 lumens, for business you want over 2500-3000. Home theatre projectors also have more uniform brightness across the whole screen, where business class projectors can have brighter middle sections or less overall uniformity.

About the bulbs....even if it is a 2000 hour bulb it still breaks down to an expense of use at about .20-25 cents an hour....that's not too much. You play all day saturday and your looking at a couple bucks of lamp time.
urbsnspices said:
His screen is prolly fine. If you notice he took the pic with a flash, that is why it looks like snot.
The flash didn't help, but I think his "screen" is actually a dry-erase board.
Json23 said:
But if you only get a little sick, try taking non-drowsy dramamine. That seems to work for my 45 year old gaming friend.

Yeah, I will try that next time.
I have an Infocus 4805 PJ with Athena B1 bookshelf speakers all around with a Dayton 12" sub. I must say that I love my setup for playing games, watching moves and even some tv. My neighbor downstairs has a Samsung 50" DLP TV and when we have movie nights, we still use my setup. The funny thing is that my whole setup cost about as much as his tv.

I know that my pj isn't high def, it only does 480p. But games still look damn nice on it. The gaming I do is mainly on the PS2, just because 2 player fighting games are awesome on big screen. I still generally play my pc games on my monitor just because I don't feel like moving my rig between my study/PC area and the theater area. I will say, F.E.A.R. is way scarier when the screen is huge, sound is pounding and the room is pitch black. I almost squealed like a girl. ;)
That image is pushing heavy on the green... i hope it does not look that way ;)
The problem with most projector setups is that they use a white screen. You can't do true black on a white screen. The first time I saw on of sony's black screens I almost peed myself.

here's a picture I found with a quick search

Yeah, they are damned expensive, but DAMN! (yes, I am saving up)
Hey guys, thanks for all the replys. Yes, it was a dry erase board!! Still looked amazing!! I'm not sure why the pic came out green, but it doesn't look that way at all. Its the best display I've seen, and I've done some research and it seems that there are much better out there. I was using a projector at work, not sure If I'll get one for home because I'm not sure I have the space.
i built my own screen, it costs under 30 dollars to make.

For the frame:

2x1 Wood, cut to the correct size to make a 110" diag setup,

For the screen:

bought some 'Blackout Fabric' (it comes in yellow and white, you want the white of course), you can buy this at a local fabric store such as joan ann fabrics, cost around 4.99/yd. Blackout Fabric is what people use in between the window and curtain, it blocks out sunlight completely

Built the frame, with supports in the middle, stretched the blackout fabric across the frame and stapled it to the frame.

Hung the frame.. its 110" diag, so i can throw the projection around 108" (9 foot) from 12 and half feet away.

I also had to use blackout fabric across the window in the living room (i live in 1bd apt, around 650sqft)... this makes the room completely dark.. like a closet, even during the day.

it rocks so hard... everyone that sees it is amazed and wants a setup like mine, dont mean to brag.. but it is sweet.. projectors are the way to go.. especially size vs price vs performance, it is unmatched.

i did alot of research too.. like 4 months, had the time before i got the money from a school grant (thank you uncle sam :) ) there is nothing like an IM window bigger than most peoples tv.. lol.. sorry.. just is so cool. i recommend a projector to everyone, but remember you do need a dark room, doesnt have to be completely dark.. just helps.