140mm radiator enough for GTX 580 and 2500k?


Mar 30, 2010
Looking to build a mini-ITX system using the SilverStone SG08 case.

Has a 180mm fan on the top and wanted to water cool my system using a 180mm radiator. You guys think this will be enough for a overclocked (4.5ghz) 2500k and GTX 580?

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Bump. Curious to hear what others have to say. I think it'd be pushing it and would not likely handle any OC. But would be great it worked.
Definitely not. You would only be able to cool one or the other with a single 140.
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Thats fine...I guess I'll have to find a way for a Kuhler 620 and Corsair H70 to fit in the SG08 :D
I wouldn't say it wouldn't work, it just might be pretty warm. Rads get more effective the warmer they get, so the more load you put on a rad, the better it will run. With a 140, you might not get any better than stock temps with medium speed fans. Throw on some 4000rpm deltas and you'd probably be OK temp wise :D
I do not need my computer flying around the room thank you very much! ;)

I'm using a H70 on my CPU and the 620 on my GPU now with my current rig so if I can't go custom I'll reuse what I'm using now. It's also a lot smaller too!
I think it will works, but for sure GTX580 is power hog, so they will be very warm when gaming.
It definitely will. I cooled an overclocked gtx 570 and i5 760 on a single 120mm rad with 800rpm scythe GTs. the SG08 actually has a 180mm top fan, so you should pick up a phobya 180mm which will give you an even better cooling. If the case comes with the air penetrator you are all set, otherwise pick one up to replace whatever 180mm fan they included

edit: It seems the sg08 does indeed come with the AP181 as the top fan. This is the best large fan out there especially in terms of static pressure, just pair it with a that phobya rad I linked above and you will be smooth sailing
Remember that the larger the rad you get, the worse the fans will be.

Bigger fans have weaker static pressure compared to smaller fans. I've been recently reading that scythe ap-15's on an adapter outperform 180mm air penetrators in both noise levels and temperatures on those magicool 540's.
Remember that the larger the rad you get, the worse the fans will be.

Bigger fans have weaker static pressure compared to smaller fans. I've been recently reading that scythe ap-15's on an adapter outperform 180mm air penetrators in both noise levels and temperatures on those magicool 540's.

Have a link for that? I'd love to do some reading regarding both the 180mm magicool and on 181s vs ap-15s. Of course, I think I'd rather use an ap-29 than a 15, but to each their own.
180mm Magicool Radiator

Shnit! I meant to ask about the 180mm...slipped my mind that it WASN'T 140mm...just had 140mm on the brain.

SO! This radiator+stock fan in the SG08 enough for a overclocked 2500k and GTX 580?
If you're overclocked GPU the heat will be IMMENSE in that loop. You'll be dumping about 400-450W heat into a single. The recommended rule of thumb is 200W per 120mm radiator.
If you're overclocked GPU the heat will be IMMENSE in that loop. You'll be dumping about 400-450W heat into a single. The recommended rule of thumb is 200W per 120mm radiator.

Right, but what we have here is a 180mm radiator with a high-pressure quality fan. Going to use a high flow pump too!
a single 180mm radiator is about 12% MORE surface area than a dual 120mm rad (120x240)
So if thats the case I should be golden seeing as how I have a H70 on my CPU now (single thick 120mm) and a Kuhler 620 on my GPU (single slim 120mm) and they both cool far and beyond what air cooling can do.

SO based on that a single 180mm radiator SHOULD be more than enough, right?
I would think a 180 would be good. I've run a Q9550 and a 4870 off of a single 120mm rad and it worked out alright, so I don't see why a 180 wouldn't work for a 580 and 2500k. If you have some kind of fan controller hooked up to that 180 rad, you should be really good, I would think. Low speed for idle, and just let it ramp up under load if you need it.
Alright thats all I needed to know!

Seems like the general consensus is that a 180mm radiator should be more than efficient! Now I just gotta get the parts and find out!
You will be fine with the 180, though the actual temperatures you can expect to achieve won't be fantastic, you will have a much quieter setup than using the stock fans.
Oh yeah...I'm not looking for like super cold temps...just temps around air cooling yet quieter. I mean, if it cools BETTER then awesome, but I'm not expecting anything special.
If you're overclocked GPU the heat will be IMMENSE in that loop. You'll be dumping about 400-450W heat into a single. The recommended rule of thumb is 200W per 120mm radiator.

180mm rad has much more surface area than two 120mm radiators. No problem. Well within rule of thumb.