12v rail at 12.31v on multimeter 12.65-12.77v on MBM should I be worried?


I <3 Hybrids
Aug 8, 2000
well ive swapped over to a new mobo and ive been prime95ing the hell outta my system and I just now noticed this...yet my PUS never changed
on motherboard monitor my 12v rail is jumping from 12.65-12.77v but on a multimeter plugged into one of my molex connectors in hitting 12.31v solid as a rock even under load.
Now should I tweak this down a little bit to like 12.1v or something? I dont want to kill my drives and what not faster than they would normally last. is this 12.31v fine or 24/7 use? or should I be worried or am i within spec and am perfectly safe?
My PSU is a PC Power and Cooling Turbo cool 510 Deluxe so I can adjust everything with no problem.
It should be within 1% or .12V so it's a bit high. You could turn it down if it bothers you but it's within the 5% spec most other builders go by and when push comes to shove it's within the 3% some others advertise.

As long as it's a bit over you're in good shape, when it goes too far over you've got troubles.

I'd turn it down a bit but not enough so that the rail begins to sag.
madmat said:
It should be within 1% or .12V so it's a bit high. You could turn it down if it bothers you but it's within the 5% spec most other builders go by and when push comes to shove it's within the 3% some others advertise.

As long as it's a bit over you're in good shape, when it goes too far over you've got troubles.

I'd turn it down a bit but not enough so that the rail begins to sag.

well onc emy testing is done Ill drop it down to around 12.1v when its fully loaded down.
just gotta remember which way to turn the dman pot to lower or raise the voltage LOL i only did it once should be to the right to lower to the left to raise if i remember right..either way Ill find up with a multimeter :)
I know im still within spec but when it comes to most things..ive got horrible luck and i dont need to fry anything just yet :)
It is within the spec to which all your components tolerances are manufactured. If you can adjust your pots you want but it isn't dangerously high.
Spectre said:
It is within the spec to which all your components tolerances are manufactured. If you can adjust your pots you want but it isn't dangerously high.

12.65~12.77V in software is irrelevant because software/MB sensor readings tend to be off by as much as 15% from the actual DMM reading. Trust the 12.31V DMM reading - which is well within the +/-5% ATX-spec tolerance - in this case. (In fact, 12.31V is less than 3% away from the nominal 12.0V.)